Candidate 5 (Passed)                   Centre: Sunderland
                                                                   Date:       Nov, 2000


Case 1
Direct ophthalmoscopy. The patient had a disc collaterals in the right eye. I was asked about the differential diagnosis.

Case 2
Indirect ophthalmoscopy with a 20D with the patient lying flat. There was a subretinal haemorrhage in the left macula. I made a diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration.

Case 3
Pupil examination. The patient had a right Adie pupil. I was about the causes of light-near dissociation and the pathway of the light reflex.

Case 4
Fundi examination with a 90D. The patient had fibrosis of the optic disc extending to the periphery. I was asked about the differential diagnosis. I gave retinal vascular conditions and toxocara.

Case 5
Ocular motility examination including cover/uncover tests. The patient had an unilateral fourth nerve palsy.

Case 6
Visual field examination. The patient had a left nasal quadrinopia. I was asked about the differential diagnosis and I gave glaucoma, retinoschisis and sectorial pan-photocoagulation.

Case 7
Keratometry of a patient's cornea using Javal-Schiøtz keratometer.

Case 8
Focimetry on a pair of bifocal glasses.

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