1. Astigmatism:
a. usually develops later
in life
b. is usually irregular
c. can be treated with contact lenses
d. is progressive
e. is common following corneal graft
2. Systemic steroids:
a. can cause glaucoma
b. can cause cataracts
c. can increase hypertension
d. causes diabetic retinopathy
e. causes blepharitis
3. Side effects of acetazolamide:
a. paraesthesia
b. renal stone
c. indigestion
d. weight loss
e. diuresis
4. Causes of severe visual loss
occurs in:
a. episcleritis
b. scleritis
c. uveitis
d. bacterial keratitis
e. vitritis
5. Treatment of chronic primary
open angle glaucoma:
a. beta blocker
b. miotics
c. mydriatics
d. carbonic anhydrase
e. alpha blockers
6. Acute primary angle closure
a. can occur after being
in the dark for two hours
b. can cause cataract
c. rarely needs surgery
d. causes nausea and vomiting
e. is more common in myopic than
hypermetropic patients
7. The following are features
of vernal conjunctivitis:
a. corneal ulcer
b. Bitot's spots
c. mucous discharge
d. cobblestone papillae
e. pterygium
8. Sicca syndrome occurs in:
a. systemic lupus erythematosus
b. rheumatoid arthritis
c. Behcet's syndrome
d. Steven-Johnson's syndrome
e. scleroderma
9. Intraocular foreign body:
a. is always painful
b. requires orbital X-ray
c. requires MRI
d. can lead to sympathetic ophthalmia
in fellow eye
e. entry wound is always visible
10. Contact lenses are useful
a. albinism
b. irregular corneal surface
c. conical corneal
d. unilateral aphakia
e. neurotrophic corneal ulcer
11. Esotropia in a 5 year old:
a. can be treated with mydriatics
b. can be improved with minus lenses
c. can be improved with bifocal
d. requires early operation
e. is a cause of amblyopia
12. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus:
a. causes anterior uveitis
b. causes hyphaema
c. causes iris atrophy
d. causes optic atrophy
e. causes retinal necrosis
13. Causes of cataract include:
a. radiation
b. beta blockers
c. vincristine
d. chlorpromazine
e. amiodarone
14. Advantages of extracapsular
cataract extraction over intracapsular cataract extraction include:
a. decrease incidence of
cystoid macular oedema
b. decrease retinal detachment in
c. decreases uveitis
d. allows posterior lens implant
e. the wound is smaller
15. Topical steroids:
a. is used in iritis associated
with ankylosing spondylitis
b. increase the recovery rate of
dendritic ulcer
c. can cause cataract
d. causes glaucoma
e. causes suppression of adrenal
steroid secretion
16. The following are signs of
ischaemia in diabetes mellitus:
a. flame haemorrhage
b. microaneurysm
c. macular oedema
d. new vessel formation
e. cotton-wool spots
17. Causes of uveitis include:
a. sarcoidosis
b. Perthes' disease
c. Behcet's disease
d. rheumatoid arthritis
e. diabetes mellitus
18. In right superior oblique
a. the left eye is higher
in primary gaze
b. there is head tilt to the left
c. diplopia is worst on looking
to the left
d. diplopia is worst for near than
e. diplopia is worst with head tilt
to the right
19. During ocular convergence:
a. the inferior oblique
muscle is used
b. the medial rectus is involved
c. the lateral rectus is activated
d. causes pupillary changes
e. stimulates accommodation
20. Brief retinal stimulation
with bright flash light:
a. causes Purkinje image
b. cause Purkinje shift
c. causes retinal inhibition
d. causes positive after images
e. causes negative after images