1. Increase risk of open angle glaucoma
occurs in:
a. history of traumatic
b. Sturge-Weber's syndrome
c. carotid-cavernous fistula
d. rubeotic iridis
e. nanophthalmos
2. Pan-retinal photocoagulation:
a. can be achieved with
YAG laser
b. involves destruction of the nerve
fibre layer
c. causes retina pigment epithelium
d. is a cause of choroidal effusion
e. causes macular oedema
3. The following are true about choroid
and retinal blood circulation:
a. choroidal circulation
supplies the retinal pigment epithelium
b. choroidal circulation supplies
the photoreceptors
c. choroidal circulation is derived
from the posterior ciliary arteries
d. retinal circulation supplies
the macula
e. cilioretinal artery arises from
the retinal circulation
4. Proptosis occurs in:
a. maxillary antral infection
b. middle ear disease
c. sphenoidal ridge meningioma
d. thyroid eye disease
e. frontal mucocele
5. Dry eyes:
a. is exacerbated by topical
b. is associated with benign mucous
membrane pemphigoid
c. occurs in SLE
d. nasolacrimal obstruction
e. occurs in patients taking MAO
6. ARMD (age-related macular degeneration):
a. cause glare
b. is a cause of subretinal neovascularisation
c. causes macular exudate
d. is a common cause of peripheral visual field loss
e. is more common in European than African
7. Holmes-Adie pupil:
a. is hydroxyamphetamine sensitive
b. does not react to accommodation
c. knee jerk may be absent
d. is more common in female than male
e. is associated with abnormal iris movement visible on slit-lamp
8. In diabetic retinopathy:
a. the incidence is related to duration of diabetes mellitus
b. severity is related to control of diabetes
c. presence of IRMA (intraretinal microvascular abnormalities)
is caused by new vascularization
d. involvement of the macular is more common in type I than
type II diabetes mellitus
e. the incidence of neovascularization is reduced in advanced glaucoma
9. Vitreous haemorrhage:
a. results in loss of red reflex
b. can be caused by leukaemia
c. can precipitate 'ghost cell' glaucoma
d. in the presence of posterior vitreous haemorrhage is associated with
a high incidence of retinal tear
e. in baby may be caused by non-accidental injury
10. The following are true about
branch retinal vein occlusion:
a. it is associated with
b. it causes retinal neovascularization
c. it gives rise to macular oedema
which is the most common cause
of visual loss
d. laser is useful in treating macular
e. it is more common than branch
retinal artery occlusion