Sample Questions from the College
1. Lid retraction is a characteristic sign of
a. acute facial nerve palsy 
b. myasthenia gravis 
c. thyrotoxicosis 
d. myotonic dystrophy 
e. aberrant regeneration of the third cranial nerve 

2.  Retinoblastoma:

a. characteristically presents in late childhood
b. may be familial
c. is a radiosensitive tumour
d. may be associated with a deletion of 
    chromosome 13
e. arises from the retinal pigment epithelium

3.  Regarding a patient with acute angle closure glaucoma, 
     which of the following statements are correct:

a. an attack may be precipated after some time in 
    the dark
b. the optic disc is seen to be cupped at the height 
    of an attack
c. surgical treatment is seldom recommended
d. the eye may show iris atrophy and sub capsular 
    lens opacities after an attack
e. the patient should avoid oral contraceptives

4.  A “blow-out” fracture of the orbital floor can result in which 
     of the following:

a. diplopia
b. delayed exophthalmos
c. anaesthesia in the distribution of the infraorbital 
d. depression of the globe
e. epiphora

5.  Which of the following are experienced following a brief high
      intensity light flash being received on the retina:

a. Purkinje images
b. Purkinje shift
c. positive after image
d. negative after image
e. retinal inhibition

6.  Which of the following statements regarding an eye with 
     metallic intraocular foreign body are correct:

a. the eye is always painful
b. the wound of entry can always be identified
c. the orbit should be X-rayed
d. sympathetic ophthalmitis may occur in the fellow 
e. it most commonly results from drilling sheet metal

7.  Retinal haemorrhages may be a feature of:

a. leukaemia
b. anaemia
c. occlusion of central retinal artery
d. early neonatal life
e. septicaemia

8.  Regarding disciform degeneration of the macula:

a. the earliest ophthalmoscopic change may be a 
    macular haemorrhage
b. there is rounded elevation in the macular area
c. there may be a multiple Drusen
d. visual acuity is not severely affected
e. the condition is never bilateral

9.  Glaucoma associated with diabetic rubeosis iridis:

a. may be treated by cyclocryotherapy or 
b. frequently leads to enucleation
c. may produce spontaneous hypaema
d. is frequently reversible
e. is always painless

10.  Atrophy of the iris is a recognised complication in which of 
       the conditions listed below:

a. prolonged exposure to ultraviolet irradiation
b. acute angle closure glaucoma
c. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus
d. anterior segment necrosis
e. ocular concussion

11. Which of the following are features of vernal conjunctivitis 
     (Spring catarrh):

a. exophthalmos
b. mucous discharge
c. tarsal papillae
d. corneal ulceration
e. Bitot’s spots

12.  A grey reflex in the papillary area at birth may be due to:

a. retrolental fibroplasia
b. congenital cataract
c. albinism
d. congenital glaucoma
e. retinoblastoma

13.  A myope:

a. cannot see at a short distance without glasses
b. needs a concave lens for correction
c. has pupils which will not dilate with 
d. is more likely to be exophoric than esophoric
e. has a shorter than average length of eyeball 

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