Past MCQs topics and questions    (London Oct, 1999)
1. The following is true about cholesterol:
a. it increases the membrane fluidity
b. it forms the most hydrophobic membrane lipid
2. Topical drugs which decrease intraocular pressure include:
a. a agonists
b. a antagonist
c. b blocker
d. PGF 2a
e. anticholinesterase

3. Local anaesthetics are :

a. weak acid
b. inhibit C fibres more than A fibres

4. Chemicals used as preservative include:

a. chlorhexidine
b. iodine
c. formaldehyde

5. Lens:

a. the inner fibres do not contain nuclei
b. the anterior capsule is the thinnest
c. fibre contain MIP126
6. The following structures pass through the annulus of Zinn:
a. superior ophthalmic vein
b. trochlear nerve
c. superior division of third nerve
d. inferior division of third nerve
e. nasociliary nerve

7. The following are branches of ophthalmic nerve:

a. nasolacrimal nerve
b. frontal nerve
c. auriculotemporal nerve

8. The inferior rectus muscle

a. loops around the trochlear
b. depresses the globe
c. adducts the globe
e. extorts the globe

9. The superior rectus muscle:

a. moves the eyelid upward
b. elevates the globe
c. extorts the globe
d. abducts the globe

10. The cavernous sinus:

a. contains arterial blood
b. is related laterally to IV nerve
c. is related lateral to VI nerve
d. is related medially to the sphenoid sinus

11. The pyramids :

a. is of no functional significance
b. contain gracile and cuneate nuclei
c. contain motor fibres
d. decussate at the the inferior pons

12. The spinal cord:

a. terminates at level T12
b. two point discrimination travels up the cord dorsally

13. With regard to the eye movement:

a. the latency of smooth pursuit is longer than that of saccades
b. initial eye movement in smooth pursuit is faster than the target

14. Mitochondria:

a. are double membrane
b. contains circular DNA
c. glycolysis occurs here
d. protons are transported into the membrane during oxidation

15. Autosomal dominant inheritance is characterized by:

a. variable severity
b. increased severity down the generation
c. both male and female offsprings are equally affected
d. all children will be affected if both parents are affected

16. The following are types of experimental study design:

a. longitudinal studies for example clinical well-being
b. prospective where previous data is analysed
c. cross sectional where individuals are observed once
d. observational where there is no intervention

17. Statistics:

a. one standard deviation on either side will encompass 68% of subjects
b. probability of lying outside 2 s.d. either side equals to 5%
c. non-parametric data is used for non Gussian distribution
d. standard error of mean is a measure of the difference of individual values from the mean
18. Cathecolamines are involved in the control of:
a. IOP regulation
b. retinal blood flow
c. bipolar cell conduction

19. Antibiotics:

a. tetracycline are bactericidal
b. tecoplanin is useful against Gram negative infection
c. clindamycin has Gram positive cover

20. Staphylococcus aureus:

a. MRSA is more virulent than ordinary S aureus
b. there are Gram positive diplococci
21. TB:
a. is spread by air only
b. can be a conjunctival commensals
22. Acanthoamoeba:
a. grown in non-nutrient E.Coli
b. never forms cysts
c. is the most common cause of corneal infection in contact lens wearer
d. is sensitive to chloramphenicol
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