Candidate 6 Pass Centre: Sunderland
Date: Nov., 2000
Case one
Pupil examination. Left AC IOL with fix dilated pupil not reacting to light and the right pupil react normally. Questions on the visual pathway of light reflexes and pharmacological tests for anisocoriaCase two
Posterior fundal examination with a slit-lamp. The patient had a disciform macular scar.Case three
Focimetry on bifocal glasses. Principles of focimeter.Case four
Keratometry. Principles and equations for keratometer.Case five
Visual field. Bilateral constriction of visual field and I diagnosed retinitis pigmentosaCase six
Ocular motility. Diplopia in all position of gaze except for left gaze. Exophoria worse for distance than near. No diagnosis was asked for this patient.Case seven.
Direct ophthalmoscopy. Examination of the discs revealed bilateral optic disc drusens. The use of filters on the ophthalmoscope.Case eight.
Indirect ophthalmoscopy using 20D lens. Large retinal scar in the inferotemporal region of the right eye. I was asked to draw it on the retinal detachment chart.
Case one
Ultrasound of the eye showing superior retinal detachment with tear.Case two
Questions on biometry about choosing different lenses.Case three
Calculation of AC/A ratio using the heterophoric method. IPD 65mm, BI prism of 20 for near at a distance of 33 cm and 10 dioptres for distance at 6mm.Case four
Calculation of contact lens power from glassesCase five
Hess's chart of a patient with blow-out fracture.Case six
A ray diagram on the principle of Goldmann's three-way mirror.Case seven
Humphrey field test. Questions on the reliability of the test (base on the test parameter including fixation losses and false negative or positive) and differential diagnosis of arcuate defect.Case eight
CT scan of an occipital infarct. Questions on the site of lesion, the principles of CT scan and visual field defects.
A 30 year-old female orthoptist with -8.00 D and -1.00 D cyclinder in both eyes.