Chapter 10  (Optics of Ametropia)
1. The following are true about myopia:
a. the second principal focus lies behind the retina

b. the presence of posterior staphyloma suggests axial myopia

c. axial myopia may be caused by the cornea having too strong 
    a refractive power

d. nucleosclerosis is a cause of index myopia

e. high myopia may be treated with clear lens extraction

2. The following are true about hypermetropia::
a. the second principal focus lies in front of the retina

b. accommodation is used to achieve normal vision

c. aphakia is a form of hypermetropia

d. patients require reading glasses earlier than the normal population

e. patients who has hypermetropic refraction following cataract surgery 
    will have problem for both near and distant reading


3. The following are true about hypermetropia:
a. manifest hypermetropia is the strongest plus lens which the patient 
    can accept for clear distant vision 

b. latent hypermetropia is the residual hypermetropia masked by ciliary 
    tone and involuntary accommodation

c. latent hypermetropia can be unmasked by cycloplegic refraction

d. falcultative hypermetropia refers to hypermetropia that can not be 
    overcome by accommodation

e. absolute hypermetropia cannot be overcome by accommodation


4. With regard to astigmatism:
a. regular astigmatism has the principal meridians at 900 to each other

b. oblique astigmatism occurs when the principal meridians do not lie 
    at 900 to each other

c. irregular astigmatism is seen in patients with keratoconus

d. astigmatic eye produces an image known as a Sturm's conoid

e. astigmatic image can not be fully corrected with a spherical lens


5. Regarding the images from by astigmatic eyes:
a. rays in all meridians are focused behind the eye in compound 
    hypermetropic astigmatism

b. ray from one meridian is focused on the retina while the other is focused 
    behind the retina in simple hypermetropic astigmatism 

c. rays in all meridians are focused in front of the eye in compound myopic 

d. ray from one meridian is focused on the retina while the other is focused in 
    front of the retina in simple myopic astigmatism 

e. ray from one meridian is focused in front of the retina and the other behind 
    the retina in mixed astigmatism


6. Anisometropia:
a. occurs when the two eyes have different refractive errors

b. of more than 1D in hypermetropic patients can usually be controlled 
    through accommodation of the more hypermetropic eye

c. is a common cause of amblyopia in patients with uncorrected low myopia

d. of recent onset may be caused by the development of posterior 
     subcapsular cataract

e. may result from unilateral central serous retinopathy


7. With regard to the pin-hole:
a. the vision through the pin-hole is usually worse in patient with macular 

b. it may allow presbyopic patients to read comfortably without glasses 

c. failure of the vision to improve to 6/6 with pin-hole always indicates 
    the presence of macular diseases 

d. too small a pin-hole can affect vision through interference 

e. it can improve vision in patients with posterior subcapsular cataract.


8. The stenopaeic slit:
a. can be used to find the principal axes of astigmatism

b. is an elongated pinhole that reduces blur resulting from ametropia 
    in the meridian perpendicular to the slit

c. gives a clear vision when held at 900 with a +2.00DS and at 1800
    with a -1.00DS, the cylindrical power required is -3.00DC at 900

d. gives a clear vision when held at 900 with a +2.00DS and at 1800
    with a -1.00DS, the lens required to correct the vision is 
    +2.00 /-3.00 X 1800

e. can be used to find the best position for optical iridectomy in a patient 
    with corneal scarring


9. True statements about the correcting lens include:
a. when a correcting lens is moved forward in a hypermetrope the image
    is moved forward

b. when a correcting lens is moved forward in a myope the image is 
    moved backward 

c. the effectivity of the lens is increased in a myope if the correcting lens 
    is moved backward

d. the effectivity of the lens is increased in a hypermetrope if the correcting 
    lens is moved forward 

e. a hypermetrope with early presbyopia may be able to read clearly by 
    pushing his glasses closer to his eyes 


10. The following are true:
a. the back vertex distance is the distance between the back of a correcting 
    lens and the cornea

b. the back vertex distance is not required if the correcting lens is less than 
    5 dioptre power

c. the contact lens for a myope is usually stronger than the glasses 

d. the contact lens for a hypermetrope is usually stronger than the glasses 

e. contact lens magnifies the image in a patient with axial myopia 


11. Relative spectacle magnification:
a. is defined as the ratio of corrected image size to uncorrected image size

b. is 1.0 in axial ametropia if the correcting lens is placed at the anterior 
    focal point

c. is 1.0 in index or refractive ametropia if the correcting lens is placed at
    the anterior focal point

d. is about 1.33 in aphakia corrected with spectacle

e. is 1.0 in aphakia corrected with contact lens 


12. Regarding the correction of aphakia with glasses:
a. there is an increasing image magnification as the correcting glasses 
    is moved forward from the position of the natural crystalline lens.

b. reduction in visual field is a common problem

c.  “pincushion” distortion of the visual field

d. ring scotoma of aphakia is created by the prismatic effect of the lens

e.  using head turning rather than eye movement to change gaze direction 
     can prevent 'Jack-in-the-box' phenomenon


13. Intraocular lens calculation:
a. is more affected by an error in axial length calculation than keratometric 

b. most commonly used in the preoperative clinic is derived from theoretical 

c. uses a lower A constant for anterior chamber than posterior chamber lens

d. is affected by the velocity of the ultrasound through the cataract 

e. is affected by the absence of crystalline lens


14. The SRK formula for IOL calculation
a. the SRK formula is not accurate for eye shorter 22mm

b. the SRK formula is not accurate for eye longer than 24.5 mm 

c. the SRKII is a more accurate formula than SRK

d. the SRK II uses a higher A constant than SRK 

e. the SRK-T is a more accurate formula than SRK 


15. The crystalline lens:
a. has an in-situ effective power of +15.00D

b. contributes more power than the cornea towards the refraction of the eye 

c. if extracted without implant can correct myopia who needs spectacle 
    correction of -15.00D

d. has a longer radius of curvature anteriorly than posteriorly

e. has an uniform refractive index

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