1. The direct ophthalmoscope:
a. gives an angular magnification of 15X
b. gives a real erect image
c. makes the disc of a myope appears larger than that of
a hypermetrope
d. makes the disc of a hypermetrope larger than that of an
e. is better than indirect ophthalmoscope in detecting
diabetic maculopathy
2. When using a direct ophthalmoscope, the field of view:
a. is about 6 degrees
b. is smaller than that through an indirect ophthalmoscope
c. is larger in an eye dilated with mydriatic
d. is larger in a myope compared with a hypermetrope
e. is larger when the observer moves towards the patient
3. The image formed by an indirect ophthalmoscope:
a. is upside down
b. is real
c. is laterally inverted
d. is not affected by the refractive state of the patient
e. is formed between the observer and the condensing lens
4. In indirect ophthalmoscopy, the field of view is affected by:
a. size of the patient's pupil
b. size of the observer's pupil
c. diameter of the condensing lens
d. power of the condensing lens
e. the refractive state of the observer
5. The advantages of indirect ophthalmoscope over direct
ophthalmoscope include:
a. binocular view
b. larger field of view
c. higher magnification
d. erect image
e. the instrument is smaller size
6. Regarding the condensing lenses used in indirect ophthalmoscope:
a. it is usually aspheric to reduce aberration
b. the image formed is located at or near the first principal
focus of the condensing lens
c. the stronger the condensing lens used the higher the
angular magnification
d. the stronger the condensing lens used the larger the field
of vision
e. when deliver laser photocoagulation through the
condensing lens, the stronger the condensing lens
larger the laser spot magnification
7. During indirect ophthalmoscopy:
a. observer needs to accommodate to see clearly
b. image size in emmetrope remains the same irrespective
of the position of the condensing lens
c. image size in myope increases when the condensing lens
moves towards the eye of the patient
d. image size in hypermetrope decreases when the
condensing lens moves towards the eye of the patient
e. image from myopic retina always falls within the second
principal focus of the condensing lens
8. The following are true about the retinoscope:
a. two mirror systems are used: the plane mirror and the
convex mirror
b. in the UK, most retinoscope gives a plane mirror effect
when the condensing lens is moved down the shaft
the instrument
c. scissors shadows are usually seen in patient with widely
dilated pupil
d. the speed of the reflex increases as the neutralization
point is near
e. a myope who accommodates excessively during
retinoscopy will result in a more myopic refraction
9. When using the plane mirror technique during retinoscopy:
a. a 'with' movement is neutralized with a plus lens
b. an 'against' movement is neutralized with a minus lens
c. a 'with' movement always indicates hypermetropia
d. an 'against' movement always indicates myopia
e. the neutral point occurs when the patient's far-point
coincides with the observer's nodal point
10. The keratometer:
a. uses the cornea as a convex mirror in the measurement of
corneal curvature
b. measures only the central 3 mm of the cornea
c. can be misleading in patients who have had corneal
d. doubles the central image size to overcome the effect
of eye movement
e. is more important in fitting soft contact lens than rigid
gas permeable contact lens
11. The following are true about the keratometer:
a. in the Javal-Schiøtz instrument, the object size
is fixed
b. in the Javal-Schiøtz instrument, each step of the mire is
equivalent to 1/2 a dioptre
c. Wollaston prism is used in Javal-Schiøtz instrument
d. von Helmholtz instrument uses rotating glass plates to
double the size of the image
e. the power of the cornea is equal to 337.5 divided by
the radius of curvature in mm.
12. The slit-lamp:
a. is a low powered binocular compound microscope
b. contains prisms that shorten and invert the image
c. incorporates Galilean telescopes that are used to
magnify the image
d. visualizes vitreous best with blue light
e. can be used to perform Watzke's sign
13. The following are true about the techniques used in slit-lamp:
a. uncoupling of the microscope and light source is needed
in sclerotic illumination
b. specular illumination is best for visualizing the
c. the light and the microscope are co-axial in
d. lateral illumination is best for visualizing the anterior
e. diffuse illumination is best for visualizing iris atrophy
14. The Hruby lens:
a. is a powerful biconcave lens
b. gives a virtual, erect and diminished image
c. is useful for laser photocoagulation of the retina
d. requires a coupling solution in order to visualize
the retina
e. forms retinal image between the lens the observer
15. Regarding the indirect lens
a. 90D has a larger angular magnification than a 78D
b. 90D has a larger field of view than a 78D lens
c. superfield has a larger angular magnification than a 78D
d. panfundoscope gives a larger field of view than a 90D
e. panfundoscope gives a real erect image
16. The optical pachymeter (pachometer):
a. can be used to measure the corneal thickness as well as
the anterior chamber depth
b. uses images I and II of Purkinje-Sanson's images to
measure the corneal thickness
c. is more precise than ultrasound pachymeter
d. gives a larger corneal thickness in the early morning
than in the afternoon
e. can be used to decide if the ocular pressure recorded is
spuriously high