Write short notes on:
a. drug-induced ocular cicatrization
b. superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis
c. atopic dermatitis and the eye
d. ocular complications of pemphigoid
e. the ocular manifestations of acne rosacea
Discuss the aetiology, histopathology and management of a pterygium,
what problems are associated with it
Discuss each of the following:
a. acanthamoeba keratitis
b. follicular conjunctivitis
c. papillary conjunctivitis
Discuss pigmented lesion of conjunctiva and their management
Describe the symptoms, signs, histology and management of allergic conditions
of the outer eye
Discuss the inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases of limbus to
include clinical assessment, pathology and treatment
Discuss the aetiology and management of :
a. pterygium
b. limbal gutters
c. limbal dermoids
Discuss the differential diagnosis, investigation and management of
a patient suffering from unilateral follicular conjunctivitis of acute
Describe the clinical features and management of chlamydial infections
of the eye. Give a brief account of the microbiological characteristics
of the group of organisms
What medical and surgical measures can be used to alleviate the blinding
consequences of trachoma?