Details of the Examination

1. to test the candidate’s knowledge of important aspects of pathology and 
    microbiology in the practice of ophthalmology.

2. to test knowledge of the appropriate utilisation of pathology and microbiology 
    services and the understanding of the clinical relevance of pathology and 
    microbiology reports i.e. the candidate should know how specimens and biopsies
    should be obtained and what information is necessary to facilitate the best use 
    of the service.

Form of the Examination

1. Constructed response questions:

1 x 10 minute station with two questions on pathology
1 x 10 minute station with two questions on microbiology

2. 1 x 10 minute station consisting of a structured oral examination on pathology and
    microbiology (10 minutes covering 2-3 topics, examined by one pathologist, or an
    ophthalmologist with an interest in pathology, paired with an ophthalmologist).

Totalling 30 minutes

The oral will be a structured oral with questions being preselected to test important and relevant areas of knowledge and practice, which will include at least two pathology cases, or cases of infectious disease, important to ophthalmic practice.

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