e-Books on Ophthalmology
By popular demand, I have compiled some of the most popular section in the website Success in MRCOphth  into electronic books with additional materials. This will allow easy accessibility and revision. Each book is designed such that it can be downloaded into a standard floppy disk with a capacity of 1.34KB. To download click on the picture.
The books are published by Marudi Publishing Company based in Oxford, UK. Any suggestions for book titles or contents are most welcomed and please e-mail me at chuaoxford@hotmail.com.
Front covers Titles Details
....... Ocular Pathology Self-tests 
Volume I
Contains 10 tests chosen from 
Ocular Pathology Self-tests
Volume II
10 tests including one new test not 
previously available on www.mrcophth.com. 
Ocular pathology Self-tests
Volume III
10 tests with two new ones not available 
on the internet.
Interpretations of fluorescein angiography and self-tests
Tutorials on fluorescein angiography 
and 15 cases for self-assessment.
The book will expire on 1st May, 2002.
New version will be installed on that date.
Remembrance of things past: a history of ophthalmology
Ever wonder the origin of pilocarpine?
What instruments were used for cataract ? 
This book will give you the answers with pictures. This book expires on the 31/7/2002.
All the updated guidelines from the College
Keep up-to-date with the latest guidelines.
MCQs for final MRCOphth
120 MCQs questions for final MRCOphth.

Eye of the beholder:
Artists with visual problems
Visual problems may end the career of ophthalmologists but be the source of creativity for artists. Book contains paintings of Monet, Turner, Degas etc. 
Model answers for Part I MRCOphth Short Answer Papers: 1999
This book contains 36 model answers to 
1999 Part I MRCOphth Short Answer
Neuro-ophthalmology for MRCOphth/MRCS/MRCP
25 cases of pathology / MRI / CT / 
ocular motility for self-tests.
Studies and trials you need to know for 
What is DCCT or UKPDS ? How does EVS affect endophthalmitis managment? What are the ETDRS findings? 12 studies and trials often asked in the viva. 
Hess chart interpretation and self-tests
817 KB
Hess chart principles, ocular motility self-tests and Hess chart self-assessements.
100 MCQs for 
Part I MRCOphth
100 MCQs in ocular and neuroanatomy for Part I MRCOphth.
Botox rejuvenation
Pictorial guide to performing botox rejuvenation safely and effeciently.
To open the book after downloading simply click the picture in the first page.

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