It is important to differentiate binocular double vision
from monocular vision. Binocular double vision disappears when one eye
is covered and is usually caused by an imbalance of the extraocular muscles.
There may be associated systemic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes
mellitus or intracranial lesions.
Double vision
Some may present with blurred vision or headache
Determine if the double vision is binocular by getting the
patient to cover one eye and observe if the double vision resolves
Determine if the double vision is vertical or horizontal,
an imbalance of horizontal muscles causes horizontal double vision whereas
an imbalance of vertical muscles causes vertical double vision.
Examine the ocular movement for any underaction of the extraocular
Look for associated signs especially the presence of ptosis
and dilated pupil (third nerve palsy)
If the double vision was binocular refers the patient within
24 hours. The patient will be evaluated by the orthoptic department and
may be prescribed prism to fuse the images.
If the double vision was monocular, advise the patient to
consult an optician as the problem may be refractive. If the double vision
can not be abolished with glasses refers the patient to the clinic.
Figure 1
A patient with a right abducent nerve palsy. Note the
failure of the right eye to
abduct on right gaze. In the elderly patient it is important
to exclude hypertension
or diabetes mellitus as vascular causes of the palsy.
In younger patient, trauma or
intracranial malignancy should be considered. |