Eyelids and lacrimal system
Write notes on:(parts of the questions)
a. pathological and clinical features of molluscum contagiosum
b. the pathology of basal cell carcinoma
c. the pathology of dermoid cysts related to the eye
d. the treatment of senile entropion
e. xanthelasma
f. the management of blepharospasm
g. the investigation of epiphora
h. the radiological investigation of the lacrimal passages
Discuss developmental abnormalities of the eyelids and their management.
Describe the differential diagnosis and management of a suspected neoplasm
of the lower eyelid
Describe a surgical procedure for the correction of:
a. entropion of the lower eyelid
b. ectropion of the lower eyelid
Discuss the immediate and long term management of:
a. herpes zoster ophthalmicus
b. acute dacryocystitis
Describe and discuss the management of the watering eye. Discuss, where
appropriate, the decision to intervene
Decribe the clinical and pathological features of lacrimal gland tumours
Discuss the investigation and surgical management of epiphora
Discuss the intra- and post-operative complications of dacryocystorhinostomy
and their management.
A patient complains that his eyes feel dry. Discuss the differential
Discuss the pathological and clinical features of keratoconjunctivitis