Ophthalmic surgery
Discuss the rationale and methods of sterilizing surgical instruments
used in ophthalmology
Write notes on:
a. the complications of retrobulbar anesthesia
b. the technique of peri-bulabr anesthesia for cataract extraction
which favour
(parts of the questions)
Discuss the relative risks and benefits of general and local anesthesia
in cataract surgery
Discuss the various surgical procedures for ptosis
What are the indications for a tarsorrhaphy? How would you perform the
Discuss laser iridotomy, its indications and complications
What are the indications for iridectomy? Outline the techniques and
comment on the possible side effects.
Discuss the management of a patient of 58 years with pseudophakic bullous
keratopathy of one eye and a developing cataract in the unoperated eye.
A lady of 75 years with some dyspnoea at rest because of chronic obstructive
airways disease has VA 6/18 in the right eye and VA 6/60 in the left because
of cataract. Describe, with reasons, your management. Give details, with
reasons, of your technique of operation for left cataract extraction in
such a patient, including pre-operative medications and anesthesia.
Write short notes on:
a. ophthalmic diathermy
b. capsulorrhexis
c. use of excimer laser
a. the complications of the use of the YAG laser
b. the mode of action of the excimer laser and its complications
c. the complications of trabeculectomy
What changes may occur in aqueous humour dynamics following ocular surgery?
Discuss the management of complications that may result.
Outline the techniques of vitrectomy currently available. List the indications
for and complications of each method.
Discuss the principles with clinical complications of vitreous surgery.
In a young myope, the visual acuity is suddenly reduced to 6/36 by an
upper temporal bullous retinal detachment. Describe the management of this
patient and of any ensuing complications.
Discuss the surgical principles involved in treatment a patient with
a rhegmatogenous retinal detachment.
In what ways may the refraction of an eye be influenced by all forms
of ophthalmic surgery?
Discuss in detail each of the following:
a. beta-radiation
b. botulinum toxin; its indications and mode of action
c. the various forms of viscoelastic substances
Discuss the indications for radiotherapy in ophthalmic practices, What
complications may occur?
Discuss the principles of cryotherapy and its use in ophthalmology
Discuss the indications for photocoagulation of the retina.
Discuss the diagnosis and management of a patient with a postoperative
intraocular infection.
How would you investigate and treatment a patient with a shallow anterior
chamber following intraocular surgery?
What are the indications for the removal of an eye? What surgical techniques
may be used and why?