FAQs from ophthalmic trainees
Starting a career in ophthalmology in the UK
I am a medical student interested in pursuing a career in ophthalmology. Can anybody advise me?
I am a medical student planning to pursue a career in ophthalmology. Is there anything that I can do now to improve my career prospect?
I am an oversea doctor planning to pursue a career as an ophthalmologist in the UK. How can I go about it?
I am an oversea doctor planning to pursue a career as an ophthalmologist in the UK. Can I do so without PLAB?
Part I MRCOphth
Can anybody advise me about the syllabus for part I MRCOphth?
Which books did the successful candidates used?
Which are the best courses for Part I MRCOphth?
Part II MR
What does Part II MRCOphth entail?
Which top ten books did the successful candidates used?
Which are the best courses for Part II MRCOphth?
art III MRCOphth
How many parts are there in the Part III MRCOphth?
Which books are recommended for part III MRCOphth/ MRCS? Which top ten books did the successful candidates used?
Which are the best courses for Part III MRCOphth/MRCS?
How to find a good hospital
Does anybody know if Hospital St. Elsewhere is any good for ophthalmic training?
From the experience of previous SHOs which are the best and the worst district hospitals for training SHOs?
Getting a job in ophthalmology
I have passed my part I (and part II) but could not get short listed. Can somebody help me?
What qualifications do the interviewer look for? How can I make my CV more attractive?
What is my chance of getting a Calman Training Post without a teaching hospital post?
How can I improve my CV? Can you suggest the studies and research that I can do and where can I get them published or presented?
What is clinical governance?
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