Past MRCOphth/MRCS questions: 24
1. Chronic closed angle glaucoma:
a. can always be treated by cataract extraction alone
b. tropical medication is the first line of treatment
c. is common in Pekinese dogs
d. the prevalence of the disorder in indigenous people 
    varies with longitude
e. iridotomy alone is the adequate treatment in advanced 

2. Pseudoexfoliation syndrome:

a. is always eventually complicated by glaucoma
b. is associated with pseudoexfoliation in the orbit
c. the exfoliative material contains laminin
d. Sampaolesi's line is a characteristic feature
e. is common in France

3. Photodynamic therapy of subretinal neovascular membrane:

a. causes cataract
b. involves the injection of fluorescein at the time of 
c. is not suitable for pigment epithelium detachment
d. is not suitable for foveal subretinal neovascular 
e. is contraindicated in the presence of diabetic 

4. Age related macular degeneration:

a. may be dominantly inherited
b. is commoner in dark skinned race
c. is usually a unilateral condition
d. may undergo spontaneous functional improvement
e. soft drusen have a better prognosis than that of hard 

5. The following statements are true:

a. fundus flavimaculatus masks choroidal fluorescence
b. type B personalities are common in patients with 
    central serious retinopathy
c. different pattern dystrophies occur in the same family
d. Best's disease causes an enhanced EOG
e. central retinal artery occlusion abolishes the a wave of 
    the ERG

6. Cataract:

a. is a complication of lactose intolerance
b. may be a late sequel of severe dehydration
c. is reversible in diabetes
d. complicates blunt eye injuries
e. may be prevented by aspirin

7. The following complications are well-recognised:

a. retinopathy due to tamoxifen
b. cataract due to ibuprofen
c. cornea verticillata due to chloroquine
d. palinopsia due to chlorpromazine
e. optic atrophy due to ethambutol

8. In patients with visual field loss:

a. wedge scotomata result from lateral geniculate body 
b. junctional scotoma and Foster-Kennedy syndrome 
    may occur in the same patient
c. macular sparing is the hallmark of occipital tumour    
d. arcuate scotomata can occur with chiasmal 
e. central scotoma complciate retrochiasmal dysfunction

9. Accommodation:

a. is impaired in Adie's syndrome
b. produces tension in the lens capsule
c. is impaired following traumatic hyphaema
d. is enhanced by beta blockers
e. is reduced by alpha agonists

10. The following drugs or techniques can be used to reduce 
      intraocular pressure:

a. hypoventilation
b. ketamine
c. intravenous sucrose
d. halothane
e. nitrous oxide
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