Past MRCOphth/MRCS questions: 25
1. Ocular manifestations and syndromes with recognized 
     associations are:
a. eyelid coloboma and Treacher-Collins
b. keratoconus and Down's syndrome
c. Convergent squint and Crouzon's syndrome
d. hypertelorism and Kleinfelter's
e. limbal dermoids and von Recklinghausen's disease

2. Keratoconus:

a. may become stationary at any time
b. onset is usually in the early twenties
c. the Fleischer ring consists of melanin pigments
d. hydrops is caused by endothelial decompensation
e. may be associated with retinitis pigmentosa

3. Aniridia:

a. is inherited as an autosomal recessive disease
b. rarely leads to glaucoma
c. often causes photophobia
d. is associated with nephroblastoma
e. mainly affects oculocutaneous albinos

4. Macular dystrophy is characterized by:

a. diffuse and rapidly progressive cloudiness
b. superficial lesions in central cornea
c. stromal lesion in peripheral cornea
d. early impairment of visual acuity
e. autosomal dominant inheritance

5. The following may be causes of unilateral oculomotor palsy 
     with pupil involvement:

a. migraine
b. herpes zoster
c. myasthenia gravis
d. diabetes mellitus
e. posterior communicating artery aneurysm

6. Juvenile retinoschisis:

a. is an autosomal recessive condition
b. there is classical cystoid oedema at the macula
c. the split is in the nerve fibre layer
d. is a bilateral disease
e. it is most commonly seen in the superior nasal quadrant

7. A circumferential buckle:

a. is indicated if there are multiple brakes in several quadrants
b. may cause fishmouthing of a retinal break
c. is preferably used in combination with a radial buckle
d. tends to cause less volume displacement than a radial buckle
e. can be supported by lamellar scleral flaps instead of sutures

8. Sulphur hexafluoride:

a. is used to tamponade a retinal break
b. has a longer half life than perfluoropropane
c. has a lower surface tension than silicone
d. expands to about five times its volume in 24 hours
e. can cause cataract

9. Retinitis pigmentosa:

a. results in abnormal EOG with a normal ERG
b. can be regional or diffuse
c. in most severe in autosomal dominant disease
d. can result in early visual loss from macular oedema
e. can be associated with deafness

10. The following topical medications are contraindicated in 
       post-cataract patients due to the risk of cystoid macular 

a. latanoprost
b. beta blocker
c. alpha blocker
d. acetazolamide
e. adrenaline

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