Medical Retina: Case oneSpecial thank to Miss Hope-Ross, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Birmingham and Midland Eye Hospital, Birmingham for providing the pictures.
Figure 1
Figure 2
This 63 year old Afro-Carribean woman presented to the eye casualty with a sudden onset loss of left vision. Her visual acuity was 6/9 in the right eye and HM in the left eye with glasses. Her past medical history apart from medically controlled hypertension was unremarkable. Fundoscopy of the left eye revealed vitreous haemorrahge. In her right eye, a raised yellowish lesion is seen superotemporal to the optic disc (Figure 1). An indocyanine green angiography was performed was performed (Figure 2).
a. What does the indocyanine green angiography reveal?
b. What is the diagnosis?
c. What is the natural history of this condition?
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