Multiple Choice Questions on
Medical Retina(click the number for the answers)
1. True statements about exudative vitreoretinopathy include:
a. it is an autosomal recessive disorderb. it has a fundal appearance similar to patients with
retinopathy of prematurityc. the main cause of visual loss is retinal detachment
d. peripheral retinal neovascularization is a common
featurese. the condition has a relentless progression leading
to severe visual loss.
2. In AZOOR (acute zonular occult outer retinopathy):a. photopsia is a recognized featureb. visual loss is caused by retinal necrosis
c. fluorescein angiogram is useful for diagnosis
d. most affected patients are over the age of 40
e. oral prednisolone is the treatment of choice
3. In PIC (primary idiopathic choriodopathy):a. myopia is an associationb. more male than female are affected
c. vitritis is common
d. viral prodrome is common
e. both eyes are affected in 25% of cases
4. The following are true about IPCV (idiopathic polypoidal
choriodal vasculopathy):a. it is seen exclusively in patients of African origin.5. Stickler's syndrome:b. it causes recurrent vitreous haemorrhage
c. it has a better visual prognosis than age-related
macular degenerationd. the condition is characterized by dilated choroidal
is best seen with indocyanine green angiographye. the lesions respond well to laser treatment.
a. is an autosomal dominant condition6. The differences between ARN (acute retinal necrosis) and PORNb. is associated with retinal detachment in 20% of the
patientsc. shows abnormal uvula
d. is associated with pigmentation along the peripheral
retinal vesselse. has abnormal type II collagen
(progressive outer retinal necrosis) include:a. ARN is associated with herpes simplex virus but not7. True statements about vigabatrin include:
PORNb. ARN has a worse visual prognosis than PORN
c. ARN is associated with AIDS but not PORN
d. retinal detachment is common in ARN but not in
PORNe. vitritis is more severe in ARN than in PORN
a. it is the first line of treatment in patient with petit malb. it is a GABA transaminase inhibitors
c. it causes vortex keratopathy
d. it causes visual field defect in 30% of users
e. stopping the vigabatrin can reverse the visual field
8. Oguchi's disease:a. is an autosomal dominant condition9. Retinal crystals are seen in the use of:b. is characterized by stationary night blindness
c. is associated with colour blindness
d. is characterized by Mizuo-Nakamura phenomenon
e. causes significant visual loss before the age of 50
a. tamoxifen10. In retinopathy caused by shaken baby syndrome:b. hydroxychloroquine
c. canthaxanthin
d. desferrioxamine
e. magnesium silicate
a. the patient is usually between the age of 3 and 5
years of ageb. the retinopathy may resemble central retinal vein
occlusionc. neurological damage is common
d. skull fracture is always present
e. the visual prognosis is good
11. The following signs favour the diagnosis of central retinal artery occlusion
rather than ophthalmic artery occlusion:a. the presence of cherry red spot12. The following conditions can give rise to the clinical appearance ofb. the presence of relative afferent pupillary defect
c. reduction of both a and b wave on the electroretinogram (ERG)
d. delayed choroidal circulation in fluorescein angiography
e. absence of pigmentary changes in the posterior segment
cystoid macular oedema but without fluorescein angiographic evidence of
late fluorescein leakage:a. epiretinal membrane13. The following retinal findings are associated with rhegmatogenous retinalb. Irvine-Gass syndrome
c. juvenile retinoschisis
d. nicotinic acid maculopathy
e. Goldman-Favre syndrome
detachment:a. paving stone degeneration14. Features of acute macular neuroretinopathy include:b. cystic retinal tuft
c. pars plana cyst
d. congenital hypertrophy of retinal pigment retinal epithelium
e. meridonal folds
a. paracentral scotomab. mild vitritis
c. presence of a triangular shape dark lesion in the macula
d. abnormal electroretinogram
e. profound visual loss with only 5% recover 6/36 vision
15. In von Hippel-Lindau's disease:
a. retinal angioma is seen in 50% of the patientsb. angioma of the disc may mimic choroidal neovascularization.
c. any retinal angioma should be treated early as spontaneous
regression is rared. treatment of the retinal angioma can give rise to subretinal
exudatione. the main cause of visual loss is exudative maculopathy
16. True statements about Stargardt's disease include:a. the majority of the cases are inherited in an autosomal17. In Wyburn-Mason's syndrome:
dominant patternb. the condition is symptomatic in the first or second decade of life
c. abnormal red-green colour vision is common
d. histopathology reveals the presence of subretinal lipofuscin
substancee. macular oedema is a common cause of visual loss
a. is an X-linked inheritanceb. the fundal appearance is caused by arteriovenous
communicationc. exudative maculopathy is the main cause of visual loss
d. skull X-ray reveals tram-line calcification
e. visual field defect occurs in one third of the patient
18. The following statements are true:
a. electroretinogram is diagnostic of Stargardt's diseaseb. amplitude of electroretinogram is reduced in carriers of
choroideremiac. electro-oculogram light peak to dark trough ratio is normal
in adult onset foveomacular dystrophyd. electroretinogram is diagnostic of Leber's congenital amaurosis
e. electroretinogram is useful in detecting carrier of X-linked
retinitis pigmentosa
19. Bietti's crystalline dystrophy:
a. is commoner in females than malesb. causes choroidal atrophy
c. has abnormal crystalline deposits in the cornea and lymphocytes
d. produces crystalline deposits in all layers of the retina
e. is associated with abnormal electroretinogram
20. The following mucopolysaccharidosis are associated with pigmentary
retinopathy:a. Hunter's syndromeb. Sanfilippo's syndrome
c. Scheie's syndrome
d. Morateaux-Lamy's syndrome
e. Sly's syndrome
21. The following conditions are associated with an optically empty vitreous
and peripheral pigmentary changes:a. Jansen's disease22. The following statements are true about Jansen's disease and Wagner'sb. Wagner's disease
c. X-linked retinoschisis
d. Favre-Goldmann's syndrome
e. Kearn-Sayre's syndrome
disease:a. both conditions have autosomal dominant inheritance23. Features of macroaneurysms include:b. both conditions are associated with increased retinal detachment
ratec. the ERG are reduced in both conditions
d. the EOG are normal in both conditions
e. high myopia are common in both conditions
a. more common in women than men24. In carcinoma associated retinopathy (CAR):b. more common in the temporal arcade than the nasal arcade
c. retinal artery occlusion
d. occurs in IRVAN syndrome
e. progressive enlargement and therefore early treatment with
treatment with laser photocoagulation is recommended
a. the condition is a paraneoplastic syndrome25. Deafness and pigmentary retinopathy are seen in the following conditions:b. colour vision and night blindness are typical presentation
c. melanoma is the most common type of carcinoma seen
d. autoantibodies are seen in the blood
e. plasmaphoresis is useful in restoring the visual function
a. Usher's syndrome26. Norrie's disease has the following features:b. congenital rubella
c. congenital syphilis
d. Hunter's syndrome
e. Refsum's syndrome
a. mental retardationb. histology of the retina reveals rosette formation
c. X-linked inheritance
d. deafness
e. leukocoria which may be mistaken for retinoblastoma
27. In X-linked retinoschisis:a.the splitting of the retina occurs at the level of inner plexiform28. In ETDRS (Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study) significant
layerb. electrophysiology reveals negative ERG
c. the main cause of visual loss is recurrent retinal detachment
d. DNA analysis is useful in detecting carrier of the condition
e. myopia is common
macular oedema is defined as:a. hard exudates within 500um of the foveab. retinal thickening within 500um of the fovea
c. macular staining in fluorescein angiography
d. retinal thickening greater than one disc area in size and within
one disc diameter of the centre of the foveae. macular haemorrhage within 500um of the fovea
29. The following are true regarding the recommendations of the Branch
Retinal Vein Occlusion Study for patient with branch retinal vein
occlusion:a. fluorescein angiography should be performed within four weeks
of the onset of branch retinal vein occlusionb. presence of more than 5 disc diameter of ischaemia should be30. The following are the findings from the Diabetes Control and Complications
treated with pan-photocoagulationc. macular oedema should be treated within 2 months of the onset
of branch retinal vein occlusiond. macular laser is useful in patient who has macular ischaemia
e. 30% of branch retinal vein occlusion develops
Trial:a. tight glycaemia control reduces the progression of diabetic
retinopathy in both insulin and non-insulin dependent diabeticb. the need for macular laser treatment is decreased in well-
controlled groupc. worsening of the retinopathy can occur during the initial phase
of tight controld. attack of hypoglycaemia is increased in tightly controlled group
e. the incidence of cataract is reduced.
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