1. The following wavelengths are correct:
a. nd:YAG 1,064nm
b. blue-green argon 488nm
c. green argon 532nm
d. diode laser 647nm
e. excimer laser 193nm
2. Lasers work in the following ways:
a. photodisruption
b. denature of protein
c. photocoagulation
d. breaking the molecular bond
e. photoablation
3. Induced hyperopia occurs in:
a. cystoid macular oedema
b. wearing of RGP lens
c. presbyopia
d. nuclear sclerosis
e. posterior dislocation of the lens
4. A chin up posture is seen in:
a. double elevator palsy
b. bilateral sixth nerve palsy
c. Brown's syndrome
d. chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia
e. A pattern exotropia
5. Kimsky reflex:
a. requires the use of a prism and a light source
b. is used to estimate the amount of heterophoria
c. if on the pupil margin is equivalent to 30 prism dioptre
d. if between the pupil and the limbus is equivalent to 60
prism dioptre
e. if on the limbus is equivalent to 80 prism dioptre