1. The orthoptist ask you whether to prescribe prisms in a
patient with
vertical deviation of 20 right over left.
The following are true:
a. a. diplopia is not a problem
b. prisms of 2 base down right and a 5 base up left should
be prescribed
c. the deviation should be fully corrected with prisms
d. a different reading add may be required for each eye
e. frosting of the one lens may be useful
2. You should prescribe prisms in glasses for:
a. post-operative diplopia
b. a recent onset accommodative esotropia
c. concomitant squint in a child
d. long-standing squint in dysthyroid eye disease
e. stable vertical deviation
3. Prescribe different reading adds in:
a. Argyll-Robertson pupils
b. Holmes-Adie pupil
c. one pseudophakic and one phakic
d. traumatic mydriasis
e. anisometropia
4. A plane mirror:
a is used in the Argon laser
b. is used in the direct ophthalmoscope
c. is used in the applanation tonometer
d. is used in keratometry
e. laterally transposes the image
5. A convex lens has a focal length of 10cm, an object is placed
8 cm away:
a. a reduced image is produced
b. the image lies 5 cm behind the lens
c. the image is magnified 40 times
d. the image is virtual
e. the power of the lens is 1D
6. Concerning hard contact lenses:
a. they are permeable to oxygen
b. are made from PMMA
c. are a good fit when the corneal apex just touches it
d. long term use can later the shape of the cornea
e. some modifications can be made after manufacture
7. Soft contact lenses:
a. are made of PMMA
b. can be stored dry
c. fluroescein can be used to check their fit
d. can be toroidal
e. are made of HEMA
8. Contact lenses can be used therapeutically rather than
cosmetically in:
a. aniridia
b. megalocornea
c. bullous keratopathy
d. Peter's anomaly
e. keratoconus
9. A hypermetropic effect can result from:
a. an orbital tumour
b. retinal detachment
c. dysthyroid eye disease
d. iritis
e. chronic open angle glaucoma
10. With the indirect ophthalmoscope:
a. a real inverted image is formed between patient and observer
b. the field of view with a 20D lens is larger than the direct
c. the position of the image differs in myopia and hypermetropia
d. magnification of the image is least in myopes
e. the 20D lens is an aspheric lens.