Test 21 1. A 50 year-old man has refractive errors ofRight eye -3.00DS Add +2.00He likes to wear contact lenses so that one eye is used for distance
Left eye -3.50 DS Add +2.00
and the other for reading ie. monovision correction. The following
are true:a. the dominant eye is usually selected for near visionb. if the right eye is chosen for reading, the contact lens
power should be around +1.00Dsc. if the left is chosen for reading, the contact lens power
should be around -1.50 DSd. his stereopsis will be reduced
e. his contrast sensitivity will be reduced
2. The following are true about contact lenses:a. both regular and irregular astigmatism can be corrected
by rigid gas permeable contact lensb. contact lens correction of hypermetropia increases the
size of the retinal imagec. symptoms of presbyopia are increased in contact lens
correction of high myopiad. aniseikonia is reduced if unilateral refractive ametropia
is corrected with contact lense. aniseikonia is reduced if unilateral axial ametropia is
corrected with contact lens
3. The following are true about tilting of the intraocular lens:a. it is the major cause of post-operative astigmatismb. it causes an increase in the spherical power
c. a tilt of the lens around its vertical axis causes
against-the-rule astigmatismd. a 20 degrees tilt of the lens induces 4D of astigmatism
e. it is commoner with anterior than posterior chamber
lens implant
4. Foldable intraocular lenses can be made from:a. acrylic5. Regarding spherical aberration:b. silicone
d. hydrogel
e. poly-HEMA
a. spherical aberration of a spherical lens occurs due to
stronger refraction of paraaxial rays than peripheral raysb. aspherical lens reduces spherical aberration
c. planoconvex lens reduces spherical aberration
d. bull's eye retinoscopic reflex in children is the result
of spherical aberratione. dilatation of pupil increases spherical aberration
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