1. Second-order Horner's syndrome occurs in the following conditions:
a. Pancoast tumour
b. carotid artery dissection
c. thyroidectomy
d. syringobulbia
e. ophthalmic artery aneurysm
2. Features of congenital Horner's syndrome include:
a. epiphora
b. iris heterochromia
c. poor levator function
d. poliosis
e. increased intraocular pressure
3. Increased anisocoria in the dark occurs in:
a. Horner's syndrome
b. traumatic mydriasis
c. Adie's pupil
d. miosis due to posterior synechiae
e. third nerve palsy
4. Structures that appear bright on T-2 weighted MRI include:
a. muscle
b. fat
c. infarct
d. white mater
e. acute subdural haematoma
5. The following structures appear bright on T-1 weighted MRI scan:
a. white mater
b. infarct
c. water
d. muscle
e. fat