Candidate 16     Passed                                                      Centre: Coventry
                                                                                                    Date: June, 2002


Station 1
6 year-old boy cycloplegic retinoscopy +3.00 and +3.00. Patients has 20 prism base in. Vision of 6/6 both eyes. Stereoacuity of 100 sec. 
a. What is the type of deviation?
b. What would you prescribe?
c. Is it a tropia or phoria?

Station 2
Maddox rod.
Draw the ray diagram and use it to explain its uses.

Station 3
Humphrey visual field with superior quadrantonopia. One blind spot is visible and the other not so visible. What type of perimetry is this and the possible diagnosis?

Station 4
Visual evoked potential of both eyes, one delayed and one normal. What is this test and what does it show?

Station 5
Combine A and B scan of an elevated posterior lesion. There is only one spike in the A scan and decreasing reflectivity after the second spike. The B scan shows dome-shaped elevation. Look like choroidal melanoma.

Station 6
Colour photography and angiography. Extensive RPE atrophy. Early hyperfluorescence resembling RPE atrophy. Describe your findings. 

Station 7
Hess's chart. What is this test? What is the finding? Look like Brown's syndrome. 

Station 8
CT scan showing swelling in the lacrimal fossa. What is the anatomical structure involved?


Case 1
Test the visual field. Patient has unilateral constricted visual field. Asked about the differential diagnosis.

Case 2
Cover test and ocular motility test on a child. I did a quick cover test and move quickly to the ocular motility. The patient has Duane's syndrome. A lot of candidates diagnosed sixth nerve palsy. In this case, it is important to perform a quick cover test as most of the signs are in ocular motility. 

Case 3
Javal-Schfitz  keratometry

Case 4
Hand neutralization of glasses

Case 5 
Direct ophthalmoscopy. Glaucomatous cupping and ARMD

Case 6
Indirect ophthalmoscopy using head light. Old chorioretinal scar. Differential diagnosis. Magnification differences between 20 and 28 D. Show me how to use the indentation. Uses of Cobalt blue etc. Ask to draw a diagram.

Case 7
Traumatic mydriasis with faint subconjunctival haemorrhage. 

Case 8
Slit-lamp examination. Healed penetrating injury with iris and lens involvement. Asked to demonstrate scleral scatter, retroillumination and specular microscopy. The uses of various filter.


The centre appeared to run out of patients and I was asked to refract an ophthalmology SHO!
He was new to ophthalmology (yet to pass mrcophth part I) and could not help me (or pretending not to know his prescription) much about the refraction. Nonetheless, the refraction appeared straight forward. He was a nice co-operative chap and did not accommodate. Retinoscopy showed bilateral myopia with astigmatism. The right eye is about -7.00 and the left is -4.00.

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