Candidate 22
Date: June, 2003
Centre: Leeds
Result: Passed
aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa

Station 1
2 A-scan readings questions 
What is this? Comment on quality and how can you improve it?
Actually there were differences in 2 readings.

Station 2
Fesnel prism its ray diagram

Station 3 
Humphrey field showing left inferior homonymous quardrantonopia.Questions on diagnosis and site of lesion.

Station 4 
Hess chart showing limitation of upgaze.
Mechanical restriction due to thyroid eye disease.

Station 5
Lacrimal drainage system diagram and to label its parts.

Station 6 
B-scan question was not on diagnosis but what structures are shown. 
It was like a storm in the vitreous could be a fibrovascular mass.

Station 7 
FFA with lots of signs like laser marks ischaemia,  neovessels,  macular oedema and exudates. Five minutes was a bit short for this station as there are lot of signs to record.

Station 8 
CT scan  of the orbits showing  a  ethomoidal sinusitis involving medial orbital wall.
Questions were not on diagnosis only on what is it principle and what can you see.

Straight forward covering optics clinical methods and  bit of clinical ophthalmology.


Case 1
Direct and indirect ophthalmoscope, pupils dilated. There was an optic disc pit and retinitis pigmentosa. Priciples etc. Questions on the magnification different lenses.

Case 2
Focimetry and Javal-Schiotz Keratometer, readings and principles.

Case 3
Pupils. patient had right Horner I checked reflexes he asked me to do again and there was RAPD on the other side asked me about pupillary pathway.

Case 4
Slit lamp examination. Patient had Fuchs heterochromia with KPs one eye had cataract other was pseudophakic. Demonstrate specular reflection.

Case 5
VF by confrontation. Patient had left inferior homonymous quardrantonopia obeying the midline. Asked about different colour pins and different types of visual field. The examiner appeared impressed when I mentioned frequency doubling perimetry.

Case 6
Ocular Motility, patient was wearing high plus glasses had bilateral esotropia nystagmus small corneas with pseudophakia and trabeculectomis done. Ocular motility was basically describing nystagmus.


57 year-old with compound hypermetropic astigmatism with 1.75 add.

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