Candidate 27
Date: November, 2003
Centre: Birmingham
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Station 1
B-scan : identify, principle and what structures are involved?

Station 2
FFA + colour fundus photographs : Identify , principle of FFA and description of sequential FFA ( DR treated with laser)

Station 3
Transposition  and spherical equivalent 

Station 4 
Fusion slide of synaptophore: identify and principle

Station 5 
Axial scan T2 MRI of brain ; identify and explain 

Station 6
Amount + direction of decentration required with a person of 10 prism dioptre esophoria wearing +5 D sphere.

Station 7
Humphrey field analysis: Identify , explain and what structures are involved ( superior and inferior arcuate scotomas)

Station 8
Hess charts : identify , principle and explain VI C.N palsy


Case 1
Extraocular eye movement + cover tests : asked to identify the glasses with fresnel prisms

Case 2
Confrontational field tests with left homonymous hemianopia ; asked about the site of lesion and questions about congruency

Case 3
Pupils; RAPD , light reflex, retinal causes of RAPD, would chiasmal lesion cause RAPD?

Case 4
SLE : uveitis , subluxation of lens , PS + rubeosis, asked various methods of illumination and perform sclerotic scatter.

Case 5
Keratometry: Readings of one eye , principle of JS

Case 6
Focimetry: reading of both lenses + principles and identification of the various components of Focimeter.

Case 7
Indirect ophthalmoscope : RP , use of +28 D

Case 8
Direct ophthalmoscope: normal individual, use of small aperture and what is the magnification and how it is achieved ?i.e 60/4

Practical refraction: 
Rt. amblyopic 53 yrs old lady in a wheel chair with unaided V.A of 6/9 and 6/5!! final prescription of +0.75 DS/-0.25 @75 AND PLANO in left. Final V.A was still 6/9 and 6/5!! . 
Reading add of+1.25  leading to N5 near vision.

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