Here is my experience from
the mrcophth part 2 exam, which was held in Brighton.
Station 1
Ultrasonography (A and B
Qs: a)What test is this,
b) principles, c) structures involved?
Answer: Choroidal tumour?
Station 2
Visual Fields (Humphrey)
Qs: a) What test is this,
b) description, c)
Answer: Incongr. homonymous
Station 3
FFA (series + colour photos)
Qs: a) What test is this,
b) principles, c)
Answer: LE BRVO
Station 4
CT scan
Qs: a) What test is this,
b) description, c)
structures involved?
Answer: LE sphenoid bone
Station 5
Fresnel prism
Qs: a) What is this, b)
principles, diagram?
Station 6
Transposition, sph. equivalent?
Station 7
RE hypertropia
Qs: a) what prisms should
we prescribe, b) decentration?
Station 8
Hess chart
Qs: a) What test is this,
b) principles, c)description?
Answer: RE orbital floor
Case 1
Possible RE Adie's tonic
pupil, although I didn't notice any anisocoria.
Qs in pharmacological verification
of Adie's pupil.
Case 2
Ocular movements:
Restriction in elevation
BE, R>L, diplopia in RE.
Elevation + abduction. Didn't
have time to finish the
oc. movements after cover
test. No tropia or phoria.
Didn't have time for viva.
Case 3
Slit lamp:
Asked to examine RE, which
had trab bleb, PC\IOL, PI.
Examiner insisted to tell
him how that bleb was different from others I have seen??? I didn't know.
Then Qs for various examination
techniques, asked to check optic disc with 90D (pale disc) and asked for
C\D ratio. Then asked to
demonstrate tonometer calibration. I don't think I am forgetting something!!!
Case 4
Visual fields:
Right homonymous hemianopia.
Did all the tests, asked me why I use red pin for central vision, localization,
congruity. Tip: patient
had R hemiparesis.
Case 5
Direct ophthalmoscope:
LE BRVO. Asked me for description,
filters, image in myopia.
Case 6
Indirect ophthalmoscope:
Asked for description (whitish
area in inferior retina), specifically didn't ask for diagnosis, just d/d.
Demonstration of scleral indentation.
Case 7
Single vision lenses, transposition,
no time for viva because they asked many Qs in keratometry and didn't
have time. (see below)
Case 8
J-S keratometer. Asked me
what is this, principles (especially doubling), meridians (steepest?),
with or
against the rule, description.
Nice lady, 76 years old.
I began to take the history: any past eye problems? Answer: Yes, RE something
like occlusion!!! Ok, I have to be calm!
Unaided vision: RE CFs (oops!),
LE 6/36 (ok).
Started retinoscopy, I think
I did ok. Then subjective. Asked examiners what should I do with RE and
they told me not to examine it further, so I did the LE, which after ret
was seeing 6/6 and with an adjustment of +0.50 sph and 5 degrees of the
cylinder LE was seeing 6/5. I did +1.00 blur check and duochrome, everything
ok, patient very pleased.
Then I explained to the
examiners that in normal conditions (BE seeing) I would do certain binocular
tests which I couldn't do
at the moment. The same I told for Maddox rod, which they asked me to describe
how I was going to do it.
Then added +2.50 for near,
very comfortable patient. Examiners asked what I should prescribe for RE,
answer: balance glass, not
plano (for distance and near). Asked me for BVD if I should prescribe
Generally I don't think it
was a difficult exam, and most of the examiners were friendly and helpful.
Good luck everyone! |