Candidate 53
Date:  November 2005
Centre: Edinburgh
Result: Pass
aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa
Day 1: MCQs
Many repeat from past questions, not too difficult, attempted around 80% ie around 240
Day 2 morning: OSCEs

Late phase of FFA. ? CME,? occult CNV very poor photo quality

Station 2: 
2 mirror Goldmann's gonioscope, draw ray diagram

Station 3: 
Clinical photo of ablinism. Cause of poor VA and types of albinism

StAtion 4: 
Identify magnifying glass and draw ray diagram

Station 5: 
UBM photos. Frequencies of UBM and 2 clinical applications

Station 6: 
CT of optic nerve glioma, features and association

Station 7: 
HFA with R superior quadrantanopia. Site of lesions and problems in reading

Station 8: 
Hess chart of L SO palsy. 2 methods testing cyclophoria

Day 2 Afternoon : Clinical refraction 

15mins for history, unaided distant and near VA, retinoscopy, and subjective VAs for both eyes
R -2.5, -0.5 x 80 L -3.0
Next 15mins: examiners came in and ask to demonstrate maddox rods( both vertical and horizontal) and then maddox wing for near
Ends up with 25mins 
Day 3 Morning : Viva

1. How do you assess visual acuity in2 years old kid?

2. How do you assess refractive status for a baby?

3. Cycloplegic agaents.

4 . Transposition of refraction.

5. Methods of Biometry.

6. What is phacymetry? clinic use? he wanted the factor affecting measuring the IOP, usual cornea thickness.

7. What is glaucoma? features of POAG?

8. Reduced VA 6 months after success IOL implant, causes? PCO

9. How will u manage the patient?

10. How do you get an informed consent for YAG capsulotomy?
end of the viva.................................
Day 3 Afternoon: Clinic methods
Case1 : 
Binocular indirect ophthalmscopy. Myopic patient with myopic maculopathy and peripheral indenation

SLE. Bilateral grafts and L band keratopathy aso demonstrate Pupil, EOM and cover tests for this patient  (all normal!!!!)

Case 3:
Direct ophthalmoscopy. Aphakia with disc pallor. Questions on clinical use of direct ophthalmoscope. Visual fields. normal VF.

Case 4: 
90D. Disc collaterals. Quesions on causes and Difference between NVD and dics collaterals. 100 Day glaucoma in CRVO.......

Case 5: 
SLE. L eye PUK. Causes of PUK

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