Candidate 5 (FRCSEd part 1, April 2008)
Here are the best answer questions I remembered from last week part 1 FRCS 
1. The course of the ophthalmic artery in the orbit in relation to the optic nerve: 
a. Medial to superior 
b. Inferior to medial 
c. Lateral to superior 
d. Superior to lateral 
e. Inferior to superior 
2. The basal lamina of the inner layer of the optic cup differentiate into 
a. Internal limiting membrane 
b. Nerve fiber layer 
c. External limiting membrane 
d. Brush membrane 
e. RPE 
3. Maximal number of axon in the optic nerve is achieved during 
a. 5 weeks gestation 
b. 15 weeks gestation 
c. 40 weeks gestation 
d. Anytime at birth 
e. 2 weeks after delivery 
4. Which of the following mediators is important for early development of the eye? 
a. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 
b. Transferring growth factor (TGF-â) 
c. Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) 
d. Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF) 
e. Colony Stimulating Factor (CSF) 
5.  Which of the bone of the orbit has cartilage component? 
a. Zygoma 
b. Sphenoid 
c. Frontal 
d. Maxilla 
e. Lacrimal 
6. Regarding Rod cells, which is true: 
a. Their discs are attached to cell membrane 
b. Their concentration is higher in the periphery 
c. Rod:Cone ratio = 10:1 
d. Peak sensitivity to light at wavelength of 400nm 
e. Rhodopsin is in all-Trans configuration while in the dark 
7. Which chromosome / gene defect is associated with Retinoblastoma 
a. Chromosome 11 
b. Chromosome 13 
c. Chromosome 18 
d. PAX 6 
e. HOX 
8. If the parents of a child with congenital eye defect were normal but found to be 1st cousins, what is most likely mode of inheritance? 
a. Autosomal Dominant 
b. Autosomal Recessive 
c. X-linked Dominant 
d. X-linked Recessive 
e. Mitochondrial inheritance 
9. If the father and paternal grandfather of a boy with congenital eye defect has similar disease, what is the most likely mode of inheritance 
a. Autosomal Dominant 
b. Autosomal Recessive 
c. X-linked Recessive 
d. X-linked Dominant 
e. Mitochondrial inheritance 
10. The suspensory ligament of lockwood arises from the following structure except 
a. The sheath of inferior rectus muscle 
b. Check ligaments of medial rectus muscle 
c. Check ligaments of lateral rectus muscle 
d. Periosteum of the orbital floor 
e. Inferior tarsal muscle 
11. Conjunctival epithelium consists of 
a. 2-5 cells 
b. 5-10 cells 
c. 50-100 cells 
d. Single layer of cuboidal cells and goblet cells 
e. Loose connective tissue and mucous membrane only 
12. What is major arterial supply of the eyelid 
a. Angular artery 
b. Palpebral artery 
c. Ophthalmic artery 
d. Orbital branch of the superficial temporal artery 
e. Marginal arcade 
13. Regarding lymphatic drainange of the eye and orbit 
a. No such drainange exist 
b. They drain directly into the cavernous sinus 
c. Half of them drained into cavernous sinus and the other half to the cervical chain. 
d. Lymphatic from the eye drain via the eye lid lymphatic drainage to the cervical chain. 
e. Only lymphatic from eyelid drain to the cervical chain. 
14. Anterior chamber depth is 
a. 1.0 mm 
b. 1.5 mm 
c. 3.1 mm 
d. 5.1 mm 
e. 6.5 mm 
15. Uveal tissue is attached most strongly to the sclera at 
a. Ora serrata 
b. Scleral spur 
c. Optic disc 
d. Macula 
e. Equator
16. Regarding the optic chiasma 
a. The extramacula fibers from inferonasal retina cross anteriorly in the chiasm 
b. The extramacula fibers from superonasal retina cross posteriorly at the Wilbrand’s knee in the optic chiasm 
c. Macular fibers constitute 70% of all the fibers passing through the optic chiasm 
d. Temporal macular fibers cross in the middle and posterior part of chiasm 
e. Nasal macular fibers cross in the middle and anterior part of the chiasm 
17. The trabecular meshwork arises from 
a. Neuroectoderm 
b. Neural crest mesenchyme 
c. Mesodermal mesenchyme 
d. Surface ectoderm 
e. Endoderm 
18. What is the role of homeobox gene 
a. It regulates transcription of other gene during tissue development 
b. It only act via negative feedback to other gene and suppress abberant tissue development. 
c. It is used to repair other defective gene 
d. Only specific to human being 
e. These gene are located in the mitochondria. 
19. Corneal endothelium has a density of 
a. 6000 cells/mm2 
b. 3500 cells/ mm2 
c. 2000 cells/mm2 
d. 1500 cells/mm2 
e. 1000 cells/mm2 
20. Regarding the lacrimal drainage system 
a. The inferior puctum is located more medially than the superior punctum 
b. In 50% of people, the lacrimal canaliculli open directly into the lacrimal sac 
c. The outlet of nasolacrimal duct is closed for full term neonates until 2 weeks after delivery 
d. The nasolacrimal duct may be closed at 6 months post delivery. 
e. The lacrimal drainage duct is lined by a single layer of columnar epithelium. 



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