for OSE May 12 FRCOphth part1
Station 1
Anatomy of orbital bone.
Station 2
Malignant lymphona of conjunctiva
- showed clinical picture, histopathology and ask management
Station 3
Herpes zoster of face- ask management
and complications.
Station 4
Loupe - ray diagram, advantage and
disadvantage of loupe, why is magnification x4.
Station 5
Back vertex distance - to calculate.
Station 6
Refraction- transposition, snell's
law, ask to draw ray diagram of a light from a RI of 1.0 into RI of 1.5
Station 7
AC/A- methods and calculation.
Station 8
Humphrey visual field - ask whether
test is reliable or not.
Station 9
IOL - choose IOL, long LE, short
Station 10
Orbscan- keratoconus.
Station 11
Focimeter- draw ray diagram.
Station 12
CT brain with left occipital lobe