Candidate 9 (FRCS part 1 15th, April 2009)



  1. Patient using more than 1 topical ocular medication should be instructed to allow 5 minutes between drops for the purpose of

    1. pharmacokinetic

    2. pharmacodynamic

    3. pharmacotherapeutic

    4. toxicity


  1. Which one is selective beta 1 antagonist

    1. Timolol

    2. Betaxolol

    3. Apraclonidine

    4. Cocaine


  1. Latanoprost acts by

    1. reduce aqueus production

    2. decrease episcleral venous pressure

    3. improve trabecular outflow

    4. enhance uveoscleral outflow


  1. Cephalosporin acts by

    1. inhibit 50s ribosomal action

    2. inhibit bacterial transpeptidase that essential for cell wall synthesis

    3. alter cell membrane function

    4. inhibit nucleic acid synthesis


  1. Mode of action of macrolide

    1. inhibit nucleotide synthesis

    2. inhibit DNA synthesis

    3. inhibit mRNA synthesis

    4. inhibit 50s ribosomal subunit


  1. Acyclovir

    1. inhibitor of DNA polymerases

    2. inhibitor of RNA polymerases

    3. increase cell membrane permeability

    4. inhibit nucleic acid synthesis


  1. Botox


    1. bind  reversible to the postsynaptic receptor of cholinergic neuron

    2. bind irreversible to the postsynaptic receptor of cholinergic neuron

    3. block release of acetylcholine by binding to receptor sites on motor nerve terminal

    4. block neuromuscular junction


  1. Lacrimal fossa is formed by

    1. frontal bone and lacrimal bone

    2. frontal process of maxillary and ethmoid bone

    3. frontal process of maxillary and lacrimal bone

    4. lacrimal bone and palatine bone


  1. Anterior ethmoidal foramen is located at

    1. frontalethmoidal suture

    2. ethmoidal palatine suture

    3. frontal palatinal suture

    4. lacrimal ethmoidal suture


  1. Orbital floor composed bones of

    1. maxillary, palatine, orbital plate of zygomatic, lacrimal

    2. palatine, orbital plate of zygomatic, lesser wing of sphenoid

    3. lacrimal, palatine, lesser wing of sphenoid,

    4. maxillary, palatine, orbital plate of zygomatic


  1. Above the annulus of Zinn, the superior orbital fissure transmits

    1. oculomotor nerve

    2. optic nerve

    3. trochlear nerve

    4. abducens nerve


  1. Structure that passes within the annulus of Zinn,

    1. optic nerve

    2. ophthalmic artery

    3. superior ophthalmic vein

    4. maxillary nerve


  1. The ciliary ganglion receives a long sensory root  arises from

    1. nasociliary branch of CN V1

    2. lacrimal nerve of V1

    3. frontal nerve of V1

    4. inferior division of CN lll


  1. Distance of medial rectus tendon from limbus

    1. 5.5mm

    2. 6.5mm

    3. 6.9mm

    4. 7.7mm


  1. Levator muscle is innervaed by

    1. upper division of CNlll

    2. lower division of CN lll

    3. CN ll

    4. CN Vll


  1. The ratio of nerve fibers to eye muscle fibres in the extraocular muscle is

    1. 1:3 to 1:5

    2. 1:50 to 1: 125

    3. 1:30 to 1:500

    4. 1:150 to 500


  1. Extraocular muscles are uniquely consisted of

    1. twitch-type fibers

    2. tonic-type muscle fibers

    3. fast fiber

    4. twitch- tonic type fibers


  1. Goblet cell secrete

    1. aqueous

    2. oil

    3. lipid

    4. mucous


  2. Conjunctival epithelium thickness id

    1. 2-5 cells

    2. 5-10 cells

    3. 10-15 cells

    4. 15-20 cells


  1. Anteroposterior diameter of eyes is

    1. 20-23mm

    2. 23-25mm

    3. 25-27mm

    4. 27-30mm


  1. The center of anterior chamber is

    1. 1.5 mm deep

    2. 2.1mm deep

    3. 3.1mm deep

    4. 4.1mmdeeep


  1. The center of cornea is

    1. 0.3 mm thick

    2. 0.4mm thick

    3. 0.5 mm thick

    4. 0.7 mm thick


  1. Schwalbe’s line is

    1. termination of cornea epithelium

    2. termination of corneal stroma

    3. termination of Descemet’s membrane

    4. termination of endothelium


  1. The basal columnar layer of cornea epithelium is attached to a basal lamina by

    1. hemidesmosomes

    2. desmosomes

    3. myomyous junctions

    4. occluding zonules


  1. The corneal endothelium density is

    1. 1500 cell/mm2

    2. 3000 cell/mm2

    3. 5000 cell/mm2

    4. 1000 cell/mm2


  1. The corneal endothelium is derived from

    1. neural crest

    2. surface ectoderm

    3. neuroectoderm

    4. mesoderm


  1. The commonnest site of scleral rupture following blunt trauma

    1. circumferential arc parallel to corneal limbus opposite to impact site

    2. circumferential arc parallel to rectus muscles insertion

    3. globe equator

    4. vortex vein exist


  1. Anterior surgical limbal

    1. extending from epithelial of cornea to Bowman’s layer

    2. extending from Bowman’s layer to Schwalbe’s line

    3. extending from Schwalbe’s line to scleral spur

    4. extending from scleral spur to iris


  1. The uveal tract firmly attached to the sclera at

    1. oral serata

    2. macula

    3. fovea

    4. scleral spur


  1. Dilator muscle of iris derived from

    1. a. neural crest

    2. surface ectoderm

    3. neuroectoderm

    4. mesoderm


  2. Blood aqueous barrier maintained by

    1. hemidesmosomes of inner nonpigmented ciliary epithelium

    2. tight junction of outer pigmented ciliary epithelium

    3. tight junction of inner pigmented ciliary epithelium

    4. zonulae occludentes of inner nonpigmented ciliary epithelium


  1. The lens is

    1. globular biconvex shape

    2. globular biconcave shape

    3. elongated biconvex shape

    4. elongated biconcave shape


  1. The anterior lens capsule contains

    1. fibrillin

    2. laminin

    3. crystallin alpha

    4. crystallin beta


  1. In Marfan syndrome, mutation of which gene is involved?

    1. a. fibrillin

    2. laminin

    3. α- crystallin

    4. β-crystallin


  2. Down syndrome involve chromosome of

    1. 13

    2. 18

    3. 21

    4. 22


  1. Retinoblastoma involved chromosome of

    1. long arm of 13

    2. short arm of 13

    3. long arm of 18

    4. short arm of 21


  1. Henle fiber layer

    1. inner plexiform layer

    2. inner nuclear layer

    3. outer plexiform layer

    4. outer nuclear layer


  1. Collagen fibril of vitreous is chiefly

    1. type l

    2. type ll

    3. type V

    4. type Vl


  1. Which disease will cause loss of olfaction

    1. aneurysm at posterior communicating artery

    2. meningiomas beneath frontal lobe

    3. meningiomas at interpeduncular space

    4. aneurysm at pontomedullary junction


  1. Lamina portion of optic nerve is supplied by

    1. short posterior ciliary vessel

    2. central retina artery

    3. ophthalmic artey

    4. pial vessel


  1. CN lll exits in

    1. above the superior colliculus

    2. beneath the inferior colliculus

    3. the interpeduncular space



  1. CN lV exits


b. brainstem beneath the inferior colliculus




  1. Cutaneous territory of CN V is represented in

    1. Mesencephalic nucleus

    2. Main sensory nucleus

    3. Spinal nucleus and tract

    4. Motor nucleus


  1. CN Vl leaves the brain stem in

    1. pontomedullary junction


  1. Which structures lies at the lateral wall of cavernous sinus


  46.   The newborn starts lacrimation at


b. at born

c. 2 weeks of life

d. 6 week of life


 47.   Number of optic nerve axons is maximum at

            a. 16 weeks of gestation

            b. at born




48.    All bones of the orbit are membranous except

  1. Sphenoid

  2. Lacrimal

  3. Frontal

  4. Ethamoid

 49. If the father and paternal grandfather of a boy with congenital eye defect has           similar disease, what is the most likely mode of inheritance 

a. Autosomal Dominant 

b. Autosomal Recessive 

c. X-linked Recessive 

d. Mitochondrial inheritanc

50. The primary metabolic substrate of cornea is

            a. Glucose

            b. lactic acid 


51. Autoclave with steam at a temperatures of 121 C for

            a. 3min

            b. 15 min

            c. 30 min

            d. 2 hours

52.  Regarding the optic chiasma 

a. The extramacula fibers from inferonasal retina cross anteriorly in the chiasm 

b. The extramacula fibers from superonasal retina cross posteriorly at the Wilbrand’s knee in the optic chiasm 

c. Macular fibers constitute 70% of all the fibers passing through the optic chiasm 

d. Temporal macular fibers cross in the middle and posterior part of chiasm 

53. What is major arterial supply of the eyelid 

a. Angular artery 

b. Palpebral artery 

c. Ophthalmic artery 

d. Marginal arcade 

54. Toxoplasma

55. Toxocara

56. Antobody dependent cellular cytotoxicity ADCC

57. Allograft rejection

58. Hypersensitivity

59. Culture media for acathamoeba

60. Culture media for chlymadia

61. What is homeobox genes
62. What is neural crest cell
63. The inner layer of optic cup form
64. Which CN nerve pass through the petrous portion of the temporal bone
65. Which growth hormone is active in the earliest stages of embryonic development
66. The end product of superoxide dismutases
67. Colobomas of iris



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