Test 1
1. The following structures enter the circle of Zinn EXCEPT:
a. abducent nerve
b. inferior branch of the oculomotor nerve
c. superior branch of the oculomotor nerve
d. trochlear nerve
e. nasociliary nerve
2. The inferior branch of the oculomotor nerve supplies the following
structures EXCEPT:
a. ciliary body
b. dilator pupillae of the iris
c. medial rectus
d. inferior oblique muscle
e. inferior rectus
3. The inferior orbital floor is made up of:
a. frontal and maxillary bone
b. sphenoid and maxillary bone
c. lacrimal, maxillary and zygoma
d. maxillary, zygoma and palatine
e. palatine, sphenoid and maxillary bone
4. Features seen when the cervical sympathetic ganglia are damaged 
on one side of the body include the following EXCEPT:
a. low intraocular pressure
b. anhydrosis
c. failure of the pupil to react to light
d. paralysis of the Muller's muscle
e. updrawing of the lower eyelid
5. Which of the following statement is TRUE about the cones?
a. they are found only in the macula
b. absence of red cones results in deutronopia
c. all the cones are coded by DNA found on the X-chromosome
d. blue cones are the least common amongst the three types of cones
e. the ratio of cones to rods is 1:10
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