Test 12
56. The ophthalmic artery:
a. is the first branch of the internal carotid artery 

b. runs in the optic canal below and lateral to the optic nerve 

c. remains within the subarachnoid space throughout its course 

d. terminates at the medial end of the upper eyelid 

e. has 10 branches 


57. With respect to the branches of the ophthalmic artery:

a. the lacrimal artery runs on the upper border of the lateral rectus 
   along with the lacrimal nerve 

b. one of the branches of the lacrimal artery supplies the medial 

c. the muscular arteries give origin to the ciliary arteries 

d. there are 2 main groups of ciliary arteries 

e. the long posterior ciliary arteries pierce the sclera to run in the 
    suprachoroidal space 


58.  The oculomotor nerve:

a. provides motor supply to the levator palpebrae superioris 

b. innervates the superior, inferior and medial recti 

c. supplies the superior oblique 

d. carries the sympathetic supply to sphincter pupillae 

e. supplies the ciliary muscle 


59.  With respect to the nuclei of IIIrd cranial nerve:

a. the motor nucleus lies in the midbrain at the level of the super 

b. the motor nucleus lies posterior to the cerebral aqueduct 

c. the motor nucleus receives unilateral corticonuclear fibres 

d. the motor nucleus receives fibres from the medial longitudinal 

e. the motor nucleus is subdivided into a single central group of 
    neurones that supply the levator palpebrae superioris bilaterally 


60.  The trochlear nerve nucleus:
a. lies in the midbrain at the level of the superior colliculus anterior
    to the cerebral aqueduct 

b. supplies the ipsilateral muscle 

c. receives bilateral corticonuclear fibres 

d. receives tectobulbar fibres that connect it to the visual cortex via 
    the superior colliculus 

e. when damaged by haemorrhage often affects the oculomotor 

To test 13
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