96. A vergence movement:
a. utilizes the medial longitudinal fasciculus
b. is stimulated by binocular disparity
c. allows one to maintain fixation on objects moving along the x axis
d. has a long latency period (approximately 300 msec)
e. requires continuous feedback
f. is under cortical control
97. The optokinetic nystagmus:
a. has a slow and a fast phase
b. can follow targets up to 100`/sec
c. is tested using a rotating drum
d. classically has the lesion in the ipsilateral cerebral hemisphere
the direction of the nystagmus
e. a parietal lesion is unlikely if there is symmetrical optokinetic
98. The following are true:
a. the PPRF is the horizontal gaze centre
b. the saccades are ballistic movements
c. the microdrift is a conjugate movement
d. both vergences and pursuit movement require continuous
e. the vestibulo ocular reflex is used as a test for brainstem death
99. The rostral interstial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus:
a. is found in the midbrain
b. controls vertical gaze
c. controls horizontal gaze
d. controls horizontal saccade
e. controls vertical saccade
100. The following lesions will give rise to bilateral III, IV and VI
a. bilateral cerebellopointine angle tumour
b. skull base tumour
c. pituitary apoplexy
d. intracavernous internal carotid aneurysm
e. lesion in the orital apex.