Instruments for lid surgery
( The following instruments are designed specifically for lid surgery. )

Eye guard. This is used to protect the globe when making a full thickness eyelid incision. It is most commonly used in Weiss's procedure in the correction of entropion. The guard is placed between the globe and the lower lid and a no. 15 blade is used to make a full thickness horizontal lid incision.

Snellen entropion clamp. It is used to guard the globe when making a full thickness eyelid incision. It has the added advantage of controlling haemorrhage when compared with the eye guard above.

Desmarres lid retractor. It is used primary for keeping the eyelid especially the upper lid everted. In the upper lid,  it is used for the posterior approach in ptosis repair and mullectomy for upper lid retraction. In the lower lid, it can be used to keep the lid everted when performing fat excision or repair of lower lid retraction in thyroid eye disease. 

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