(1959) Hippocrates tree (so called because
Hippocrates used to
give lectures to his students beneath the branches of this
platanus tree).
Some inaccurate observations regarding
eye signs from the Corpus Hippocraticum
Aphroisms Section VII
'3. Hiccup and redness of the eyes,
when they supervene on vomiting, are bad.'
(Modern interpretation: Subconjunctival
haemorrhage following vomitting is
alarming but not life or sight-threatening.)
Aphroisms Section VI
52. We must attend to the appearances
of the eyes in sleep, as presented from below;
for if a portion of the white be seen between the closed eyelids, and if
this be not
connected with diarrhaea or severe purging, it is a very bad and mortal
(Modern interpretation: Dry
eye symptoms may occur with incomplete lid closure.
Provided the patients have good
Bell's phenomenon, visual impairment is unlikely.
It is unlikely to be a very
bad and mortal symptom.' |