Czechoslavakia (1978 SG226)
Purkyne or Purkinje and the microtome he invented.
Jan Evangeliste Purkinje (1787-1869)
was born in Lobochovic in Austrian-Bohemia on 12th December 1787, he at
first wanted to take orders, but then decided to become a teacher. However,
he soon changed his mind again, studied medicine at the University of Prague,
and graduated in 1819. Through his friendship with Goethe he was
appointed professor of Physiology at Breslau University in 1823, where
he created the first Physiological laboratory. In 1850 he was called as
Professor to Prague. As a microscopist he introduced many new techniques,
and his name is still associated with many medical eponyms, such as the
‘Purkinje fibres’ of muscles and the heart, and the the ‘Purkinje Cells
of the brain. In Prague he became an ardent nationalist, and even changed
his name to the Czech form of Purkinje. He died in Prague on 28th July