Optic neuropathy
How may uniocular failure of vision due to optic nerve disease be differentiated from
that due to retinal disease?
Discuss the pathophysiology and clinical features of early optic disc swelling
Discuss the differential diagnosis and investigation of a patient with unilateral swelling of the optic disc
A medical registrar asks your opinion on a patient aged 40 with headaches of six months'
duration, because he thinks there is bilateral papilloedema. Discuss your assessment
particularly of the eyes
Describe the clinical features, pathology and management of a patient with glioma of the optic nerve
Write detailed notes on each of the following:
1) the significance (both systemic and genetic of congenital disc anomalies)
(part of the question)
Write short notes on:
a. Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy
b. optic nerve head pits
Discuss the toxic and inflammatory causes of optic neuropathy
Discuss the investigation of unilateral optic atrophy
A 65 year old man is found to have bilateral optic atrophy. Discus the differential diagnosis and methods of investigation
Discuss the significance and differential diagnosis of optic neuropathy in:
a. a child aged 6 years
b. a woman aged 30 and
c. a man aged 75
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