OSCE (Objectively  structured clinical examination)

Candidate one                         Date:         November, 1999
                                                            Location:  Bournemouth

Case one

Examination of the fundus with direct ophthalmoscope.
The patient had bilateral disc swelling.
Questions on the differential diagnosis including pseudo-papilloedema and the tests for optic nerve functions.

Case two

Anterior segment using a slit-lamp.
The patient had Krukenberg's spindle and iris trans-illumination.
The examiner wanted me to demonstrate the various slit-lamp techniques including scleral scattering and retro-illumination..
Questions on the differential diagnosis of iris trans-illumination.

Case three

Examination of the macula with an indirect ophthalmoscope (78D).
The patient had a macular haemorrhage in the right eye.
I was asked on the optics of indirect ophthalmoscope. The advantages and disadvantages of 78D vs 90D.
Questions on the differential diagnosis of macular haemorrhage.

Case four

Pupil examination.
The patient had a left relative afferent pupillary defect.
Questions on the differential diagnosis and the anatomical pathway of light reflexes

Case five

Ocular motility examination.
The patient had a right fourth nerve palsy.
Questions on the functions of the various extra-ocular muscles and the sequelae of fourth nerve palsy.

Case six

Visual field examination.
The patient had a superior altitudinal defect in the right eye.
Questions on the differential diagnosis of this defect.

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