OSCE (Objectively structured clinical examination)
Candidate two Date: November, 1999
Location: BournemouthIn this section, I have to go round eight stations. Two of which have questions on optic and refraction and the other six on clinical examination.
Station 1
The examiner gave me a pair of bifocal glasses and I had to perform focimetry and write down the reading in plus and minus cylinder.Station 2
I was asked to perform keratometry on a patient using Javal-Shiotz keratometer.Station 3
Pupil examination.Station 4
The patient had a mid-dilated pupil which did not respond to light or accommodation. I was asked to give a differential diagnosis of a dilated pupil.
Ocular motility examinationStation 5
The patient had a head turn and when I put his head straight he developed nystagmus. I was asked about the differential diagnosis of abnormal head posture, nystagmus and null point.
Indirect ophthalmoscopy.Station 6
The patient appeared to have normal fundi. However, some candidates said he had bilateral retinoschisis.
Direct ophthalmoscopy.Station 7
The patient had an unilateral pale opitc disc. Question on causes of optic atrophy.
Anterior segment examination using a slit-lamp.Station 8
The patient had a right inferior corneal oedema with pannus. I made a diagnosis of disciform keratitis.
I was asked to demonstrate the different techniques of using a slit-lamp.
Visual field examination.
The patient had an unilateral altitudinal field defect.