Past MCQs for Paper one
1. Genetic questions on the mode of inheritance of the following condition:
a. choroidaemia
b. congenital retinoschisis
c. xeroderma pigmentosa
d. pigmentosa incontentia
e. protanopia

2. Giant cell arteritis:

a. histology is based on fragmentation of the internal intimal
b. anterior cerebral artery is often involved
c. C-reactive protein is always raised
d. giant cell is needed for diagnosis

3. Staining techniques useful for diagnosis:

a. Gram negative diplococcus in neonatal conjunctivitis
b. ostium tetraoxide for electron microscopy
c. Haematoxylin and eosin for collagen and haemtoxylin stain collagen and eosin stain mucopolysaccaride

4. Choroidaemia:

a. female carrier has abnormal retinal features
b. present in the second decade of life
c. ERG shows abnromality early in the disease

5. In congenital retinoschisis:

a. maculopathy is 50% of patient
b. peripheral retinopathy in 50%
c. involved retinal shows retinal elevation
d. female carrier develop fundal changes
6. Leber's optic neuropathy:
a. female carrier  never affected
b. more than 75% occurs in male
c. optic disc is pale in the early stage
7. The following conditons are pre-malignant:
a. actinic keratosis
b. oncocytoma of the caruncle
c. squamous papilloma
8. Glaucoma due to steroid:
a. commonest cause of secondary glaucoma in the Middle East
b. commoner in type 1 diabetic mellitus
c. is seen in 15% of the population
d. progressive damage is prevented on stopping steroid
e. manifest as low tension glaucoma

9. Pigment dispersion syndrome:

a. raised intraocular pressure with mydriasis
b. complete escape from beta blocker after a few months
c. peripheral transillumination
d. commoner in diabetic melliuts

10. Iris melanoma:

a. infiltrate corneal stroma
b. infiltrate trabecular meshwork
c. invade lens cortex
d. heterochromia is a feature

11. Follwoing biopsy report may be found with rheumatoid arthritis:

a. posterior scleritis
b. loss of goblet cells in the conjunctiva
c. episcleral necrotic tissue
12. Panphotocoagulation in dibaetic mellitus is indicated for:
a. preprolifertive
b. ischameic maculopathy
c. new vessels at the disc
d. retinal cottol wool spots

13. Hypoxic damage in diabetic mellitus is suggested by:

a. nerve fibre layers haemorrhage
b. iris neovascularization
c. anterior uveitis
d. decrease jard exidate
e. vascular loop

14. Angioid streaks are seen in:

a. sickle cell anaemia (HbSS)
b. myeloma
c. leukaemia
d. Ehler-Danlos syndrome

15. Retinal detachment:

a. SF4 lasts longer than C3F8

16. Inantile glaucoma is associated with:

a. axial iris stromal abnormality
b. aniridia
c. Sturge-Weber syndrome

17. Albinism:

a. hair bulb for tyrosin positivity test is useful when the child is 5 year old
b. is associated with platelets abnormality especially with aspirin
c. complete decussation is invariable in all albinism
d. is associated with thrombosis under general anaesthesia

18. Major hyphaema:

a. raised intraocular pressure in the first 24 hours and then normalize
b. 20% rebleed
c. less than 50% have angle recession
d. corneal staining is irreversible

19. Optic nerve avulsion:

a. seen in 1% of baby with high forcep delivery
b. 20% of patients with frontal lacrimal bone fracture
c. in dense vitreous haemorrhage ERG is useful for diagnosis

20. Optic nerve glioma:

a. is assoicated with neurfibromatosis type I
b. increased incidence after 30 year old
c. majorty is of pilocytic astrocytoma
d. rarely infiltrate perineural tissue

21. Nystamus:

a. manifest latent nystagmus in unilateral congenital cataract
b. see-saw nystamus associated with homonymous hemianopia
c. down-beat with foramen magnum lesion
d. gaze-evoked is a specific sign

22. Vernal keratoconjunctivitis:

a. usually unilateral
b. eosinophil is common in the paillae
c. can be of limbal type alone

23. Audit:

a. collect data against activity
b. penalised health profession
c. improve quality of care

24. Mutton-fat keratic precipitate are seen in:

a. uveal effusion syndrome
b. tuberculosis
c. Fuch's heterochromia cyclitis
d. sarcoidosis

25. Medications for glalucoma:

a. beta blocker is contraindicated in primary heart block
b. beta-blocker is contraindicated in those on nifedipine
c. acetazolamide is contraindicated in allergy to sulphonamide
d. acetazolamdie needs potassium supplement
26. Gout:
a. purine metabolism disorder
b. high incidence of scleritis
c. tophi found in extraocular muscle tendon
d. related to alcohol consumption directly
d. related to alcohol consumption directly
e. crystal found in deep stroma

27. Corneal dystrophy may contain the following substance:

a. mucopolysaccharides
b. cholesterol
c. amylodiosis
d. uroprohyrin
e. urate

28. Seen in vitreous:

a. amyloid
b. lipofusin
c. haemosiderin
d. clacium

29. Melanocytoma:

a. associated with clear cell carcinoma of the kidney
b. contain plump black naevus cells
c. metastasize to the lungs

30. Lacrimal gland tumour:

ametastasize along the orbital nerve
b. commonly metastasize throught eh lymphatic drainage
c. early metasis to the lung
d. Merkel cell carcinoma can occur

30. Retinoblastoma:

a. 50% inherited
b. due to 11q14 deletion
c. rosettes suggest good prognosis
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