1. Molluscum contagiosum:
a. is caused by a poxvirus
b. causes follicular conjunctivitis through the release of viral
particles into the conjunctiva
c. causes acanthosis
d. is an AIDS-defining disease in HIV positive patients
e. is sensitive to acyclovir
2. Capillary haemangioma:
a. often undergoes spontaneously resolution
b. is commoner in males than females
c. most commonly occurs in the eyelids
d. contains thick fibrous walls
e. is associated with thrombocytopenia in Kasabach-Merrit's
3. Posterior embryotoxon
a. is caused by thickening of the Schwalbe's line
b. is caused by anterior displacement of the Schwalbe's line
c. is a normal finding in 10% of the population
d. is associated with glaucoma in 50% of cases
e. when associated with iris processes that extend to the
posterior surface of the cornea is called Axenfeld's
4. Flexner-Wintersteiner's rosettes:
a. occurs in retinocytoma
b. can be found in pinealblastoma
c. are primitive ganglion cells
d. is associated with favourable prognosis in retinoblastoma
e. is commoner than Homer-Wright's rosettes
5. In diabetic retinopathy:
a. microaneurysms are found in the junction between the inner
nuclear and outer plexiform layers.
b. flame-haemorrhages occur in the nerve fibre layer.
c. dot and blot haemorrhages occur in the inner plexiform
d. cotton wool spots result from ischaemia of the nerve fibre
e. IRMA (intraretinal microvascular abnormalities) show
profuse leakage with fluorescein angiography.