1. Observe
* anisocoria / heterochromia
* ocular alignment
* scars on the forehead or lids
from previous surgery
2. Measure the palpebral fissure by getting the patient
to look at distance
Note: Some examiner may want you
to do pupil margin reflexes
3. Measure lid creases in both eyes
4. Levator excursion
5. Check for Bell's phenomenon, corneal sensation
6. Others:
* jaw-winking especially in children
* ocular movement for third nerve
and myasthenia gravis
* Cogan's twitch in myasthenia
1. Perform ptosis examination satisfactorily from the surgical
point of view.
You are likely to be asked the type
of ptosis operation that you know of and its
2. Find out the cause of the ptosis.For this you need to perform
other tests such
as ocular motility and jaw-winking
to the index for final MRCOphth
to the index for OSCE clinical methods