Discuss the surgical management of acquired weakness of the vertically
acting extraocular muscles
A patient has horizontal diplopia maximal on looking to the right. discuss
Discuss the differential diagnosis, investigation and management of
non-traumatic diplopia with particular reference to causative systemic
Discuss the etiology and treatment of diplopia arising after a head
Describe the mechanisms which control horizontal and vertical gaze.
Discuss the clinical methods of assessment of these mechanisms
An 18 year old girl presents with double vision of recent onset, discuss
the possible causes and investigation
A child of 18 months is noted to have an intermittent divergent
squint. Describe the investigation and management of this patient (including
surgical techniques)
Discuss the symptoms, signs and management of exophoria
Discuss the problems which may arise in the surgical management of concomitant
Discuss the management of a 3 year old child who presents with a unilateral
convergent squint
Discuss the aetiology and investigation of incomittant squint in childhood
Write short notes on:
a. the Brown's syndrome
b. abnormal retinal correspondence
c. inferior oblique muscle overaction
(parts of the questions)
Discuss the conditions which affect the innervation of the extraocular
Discuss the causes of isolated unilateral fourth nerve palsy. Describe
the management
Discuss the role of spectacles in disorders of ocular motility
Write short notes on:
a. the accommodative convergence to accommodation ratio (AC/A) ratio
b. Duane's syndrome
c. divergence excess
Writes notes on:
a. the superior oblique tendon sheath syndrome
b. internuclear ophthalmoplegia
c. convergence weakness
Write notes on:
a. the assessment of stereopsis in clinical practice
b. Duane's syndrome
(parts of the question)