Specimen A Specimen B The two specimens above show two eyes containing choroidal melanoma. What factors are most important for prognosis? Answer Tumour type Size of the tumour Presence of extrascleral spread of the tumour What is Callender's classification? How does it affect the mortality? Answer Callender's classification is based on the histopathology of the tumour cells of choroidal melanoma. The three main types are: spindle A cells have cigar-shaped nuclei with little or no nucleoli and characteristic longitudinal stripes spindle B cells have oval nuclei and distinct nucleolus epitheloid cells have round nuclei and prominent nucleolus. The cells are poorly cohesive. Different cell types may be found within the tumour. Tumour of predominantly spindle A cell type is also called spindle cell naevus (according to modified Callender's classficition( and has a 15-year mortality of less than 5% Tumour of spindle B cell type is also called spindle cell melanoma (according to modified Callender's classification) and has a 15-year mortality of about 25% Tumour made up mainly of epitheloid cells has the worst prognosis with a 15-year mortality of 75%.
The two specimens above show two eyes containing choroidal melanoma. What factors are most important for prognosis?
What is Callender's classification? How does it affect the mortality?
End of viva 4