Clinical Exam
Ocular Motility and
VF. Middle-aged patient with Left sided pie in the sky VF Defect. Asked about
the site of lesion and DVLA fitness to drive. Shown MRI scan wth temporal
Brown Syndrome
Ocular motility, did park 3 step and asked about D/D and asked what it can be I
told them Brown syndrome left eye
Third patient had left ptosis with abduction of the left eye - time up
Anterior Segment
Shown one patient with bullous keratopathy, pseudophakia and trabeculectomy-
asked about the sequence of events, how you will treat this patient,
conservative, NaCL Cream, dry room environment and PK. Asked about acute Corneal
graft rejection.
Posterior Segment
Only able to examine one patient as examiner asked too many questions on
management of malignant melanoma and again repeated the questions again and
again. It was a pigmented raised lesion over left inferonasal aspect with Ch
solid RD surrounding it.
Medical Ophthalmology
Young patient with corneal decompensation and AC Activity, asked about possible
cause told many and than examiner asked something with skin lesion and I told
about psoriasis.
Second examiner asked every thing about Rhematoid arthritis, extra articular
manifestation- I didnt do good.
Communication Skills
History of Floater and flashing lights.
Patient had ST Macula on RD counsel and discuss treatment options as she was PVD
Positive I discused about Vity, Cryo, Gas and oil she was not keen to have oil
and at the end she was happy to go ahead with surgery.
Patient with narrow angle glaucoma with bilateral trabeculectomy
Showed VFs With quadrantanopia and cause of defect.
Patient with posterior Sucapsular ctract and high Myopia and asked about if
atient leaves the choice of IOL with you what you will choose for her I insisted
I will keep patient myopic in between -2 to -3 so that she can read easily for
near altough I did mentioned that I will discuss the otions like monovision,
ametropia etc with patient but examiner again and again asked me that patient
wants you to decide on her behalf. Than showed me the biometry and asked to
choose the lens to aim for ametropia for the lady. I got the point what he
wanted from me to say.
EMQs and CRQs were quite difficult
I managed to pass. I recommend Chua website, Kanski and few topics from Wong.
This was last exam but best of luck for FRCOphth. |