Candidate 25
Date: Sept, 2002
Centre: Cambridge |
and Ophthalmic medicine - Viva
1. Chalazion
1. Sarcoidosis with hemiparesis. Percuss the respiratory system.
Consolidation on
2. GCA - protocol 3. Anaphylaxis management 4. Dorsal mid brain with thyroid swelling 5. Cranial nerves and visual fields, optic atrophy Ophthalmology 1. 10 yr old with trauma, pseudophakia, right exotropia and preretinal
2. Exudative ARMD. Management, counselling. 3. 22 yr old lady with macular retinal dystrophy with flecks. DD, to
elicit history,
4. Corneal thinning and subepithelial scarring in both eyes. DD for
5. Bilateral Lester Jones tube. Indications, complications and investigations