Candidate 97                                             Centre: Bristol
Final MRCOphth                                                        Date: March, 2007

sorry, can't remember much of it, was too overwhelmed by all the micro. slides

The majority were okay but as expected few questions were quite vague.


Posterior segment

Case 1

Peripheral drusens  and questions on how to counsel patient about the risks of wet AMD.

Case 2

An inferior pigmented lesion seen with a 20D lens. Asked for a differential diagnosis.

Case 3

Choroidal folds and asked for causes.


Case 1

Bilateral increased cup-disc ratio. Asked for management.

Case 2

Bilateral trabeculectomy blebs and cupped discs. Shown both Goldmann and Humphrey visual fields and got asked a lot of questions. (Completely bombed this station as I got stuck with questions on Goldmann).


Asked to talk to a mother who was concerned about her son's esotropia. Had to explain diagnosis and the management plan.

Anterior segment

Case 1

An unilateral ptosis, asked to do lid measurements and asked about causes

Case 2

Bilateral penetrating keratoplasty and asked about causes.


Ophthalmology in relation to medicine

Case 1

Dragged disc with macular scar. Asked for a differential diagnosis.

Case 2

Asked to examine the facial muscles and shoulder girdle. Asked for a differential diagnosis. (The patient has facio-scapular dystrophy but I had absolutely no idea what it's).

Case 3

Shown a MRI scan with unilateral proptosis. Bell rang before questions.




Case 1

A young female with an unilaterally dilated pupil. Asked to examine the pupils and give a differential diagnosis (I think it's pharmacological dilation).

Case 2

Examining the extra-ocular movement of a middle-aged lady. The left adduction was limited but I forgot to do the cover test at the beginning. And it turned out the patient had exotropia.

Case 3

A patient with esotropia. Asked to perform extraocular movement and give a differential diagnosis.

All in all think it's not extremely difficult, but screwed up few clinical stations..... so can only hope for the best!