very difficult. What I knew as follow:
1.Granular dystrophy-inheritance,stain,
2.Fungal hyphae-corneal ulcer management,
3.Endophthalmitis-management,what will you do if you were clinical
director?,what will you look for in the patients notes?
4.Cavernous hemangioma
5.Blood test results showing anaemia
7.Tractional retinal detachment
8. CMV retinitis
Can't remember the rest.
Medicine and ophthalmology
A teenager on crutches -
pigmented KPs, IOL with posterior synechiae, trabeculectomy done. Posterior
segment showed sheathing of vessels near the optic disc -asked to correlate
the signs. I mentioned juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with uveitis, cataract
and glaucoma. Asked if posterior segment involvement was common. I said no.
Also asked if she had macular oedema.
Asked to see skin -
multiple freckles, few skin tags. I mentioned angiofibromas, shagreen
patches on back. There was one large cafe' au lait as well but I said the
signs are suggestive of tuberous sclerosis.
Neurology examination of
the lower limbs, hypertonicity, decreased power and hyperereflexia with
upgoing plantar of both legs-said upper motor neurone lesions and maybe
multiple sclerosis.
A patient with dystonic
movements of hands. Asked what were they called? I said dystonia(good!) What
will you look for in the eye- Kayser-Fleischer's ring and sunflower cataract
(good!). How will you look for internuclear ophthalmoplgeiga? I demonstrated
saccadic movement.
Anterior segment
Bullous keratopathy in
penetrating keratoplasty with bandage contact lens. I thought he had early
Fuchs' dystrophy in the other eye but maybe mistaken.
Discussion on Fuchs -
didn't go very well.
Keratoconus with a rigid contact lens in both eyes. Asked all the signs,
causes of the prominent corneal nerves.
Marcus-Gunn ptosis.
Posterior segment
Indirect but didn't see
much. Only lattice degeneration. Don't know what he had. Asked about lattice
degeneration and management.
Used super66 for posterior
pole - choroidal folds, asked about possible causes.
Fundal photo of optic disc
showing drusen and PED.
A lady with trab, posterior
synechiae, glaucomatous optic atrophy. Also presence of cataract. Discussion
did not go as well as I liked.
A patient with ongenital
Visual fields with tunnel
fields - causes?