Toxic maculopathy
Crystal retinopathy which can occur in tamoxifen
or canthaxanthine retinopathyTamoxifen is now commonly used as an adjuncvitve treatment in women with breast carcinoma. As breast cancer is
common you may be given cases of tamoxifen retinopathy in the examination. However, tamoxifen is not the only
drug that causes crystalline retinopathy and you need to know the differenital diagnosis (see questions).There are bilateral intraretinal perifoveal refractile crystals (there may be associated macular oedema).
Further examination:
- in women mention that you would like to know if there were any past history of breat problem. Also examine the
patient's arm for any evidence of lymphoedema (which can occur from lymph node removal during mastectomy)Questions:
1. What are the causes of crystalline retinopathy apart from tamoxifen?